You don't Have to be a Villain

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"And this is your room."

"OooOoo~ thank you." I ran to my room. It was not big but it was better than living in the street. "Little Tora that's not your room." I looked to see a girl who is the same height as me near the door. Her white hair waved until hips. "Oh, sorry guess Kurogiri moved the room." 

"You didn't let me finish." Kurogiri then introduced her to me. "Toga, this is Tora, she is Shigaraki's sister." I was shocked hearing that. That hand guy has a sister? And she doesn't even look like her brother. She looked too innocent!

"My name is Himiko Toga! I like to see someone in blood. But since you're his sister I won't do anything to you." Tora suddenly ran up to me. "You're first name is Himiko?" "Yes?" "We have nearly same name. My real name is Tomiko. I hope we can be great friend." She smiled at me. 

I just stood there while she just looked excited. "Little Tora, didn't you said you have a project to finish." "Oh my God!" She ran out. "It's due tomorrow!" "Sorry about her. She sometimes doesn't listen." Kurogiri grabbed his mist chin. "But this is the first time she opened up quickly to anyone. It took me years to finally able to talk to her normally." 

"So?" "I'm sure you guys gonna be good friends. Tora doesn't have any friends near her age so you are good candidates to be her friend." I only smiled but deep down I was really happy. Someone accepted me and didn't see me as the monster.


I looked at the drawing in shocked. "You're amazing Tora-chan! It looks just like me and you even make me cuter than ever." "Well that's your gift. I will also buy what you want for your birthday too." "Really?!" She nodded. She was always nice to me while she looked scared with other people but I never ask cause I didn't want to dig someone's past.


"What if you became a detective, Miko? That's a good job for you than being a villain." "A psycho like me? Haha! You really good at telling jokes. Like that will ever happened." "But think about it. If the detective needs to identify the dead body, you only need to take the blood and eat it then you will be faster on knowing who was killed." 

She had a point but...still... the society was always the problem. Like how would they think that someone quirk with blood means they will kill anyone. "I just don't like how people is being viewed just by their quirk. It's not like they can choose what quirk they want, it all depend of how someone used that power anyway, right, Miko?" 

I just stared at her. The determination in her eyes never left. She always said this to me, trying to convinced me that I didn't need to be a villain, that no one is define by their quirk. It really made me think about it. She always pointed out how I have a good skill of seeing more detail and getting information just from few things. 

I also like to read people since disguising is a part of my quirk. Maybe being a detective is much more fun. I'm sure she will be happy if I did become one but if she really like people stop being a villain... Then why she never said anything to her brother? 

Never once I heard her said things like that to her brother. She always said "That's amazing." "Be careful okay?" Or "I will support you." That was weird. "Tora-chan?" "Hm?" "You keep trying to stop me being a villain but why don't you do it to your brother? From what you always said to me, you don't like if someone became a villain." 

She just stared at me, shocked. I may have said something that shocked her to the core but she answered calmly with a little stutter. "W-well, how could I stop him? He supports my carrier why shouldn't I support his?" I just nod when I noticed the pain in her voice. 

Her saying support sounds fake now. So, if you don't support him then...why don't you stop him? I never ask her that, not after I see her in that condition. Cause just from that day, I know the truth.


"That was a fun mission." I looked to see Tora's shoes. I wanted to talk with her since everyone was out, she must be waiting for me. Just as I was about to opened the door, I heard sobbing. I stop"...hik...niisan...why.... hik...when it all went wrong...?" I slowly opened the door a bit. 

There I see her, a mess, her hair was a mess since she keeps pulling them, tears dropping non-stop. She looks so...broken. Never once I see her like this. She always shined with her smile and encouragement but now? She just looked so...broken. 

I look to see a laptop playing a video. It was a little boy and a little girl. The boy playing as the hero while the girl played as the victim. It was them at young aged. Shigaraki used to idolize hero. I heard her small muttering which surprisingly I can understand. 

"Is it because I wasn't around? He can control his quirk when I'm around so is everything my fault? He shouldn't be here right? He should've been a hero who he always dreamed about and I am the one who destroyed it..." She kept pulling her hair, messing with it.

"What should I do now?! It would've been better if he just became a normal person but could I do anything? He is too far, I was too late. He killed people now! Mom...Dad...what should I do?" I close the door slowly and left to my room. 

I just stood there trying to cope with what I just overheard. It was all her acting up for her brother. She acted. Every. Single. Day. Hearing her brother making plan to rob a bank, she's acting as if she agreed to the plan. Her brother come back bloodied from his killing, she acted like she is okay with it.

Even when he mentioned killing All Might just two days ago, she just smiled and supported him which was her act. Since that I noticed the pain in her eyes, every time she hears the news about her brother, every gift he give her which she doesn't like since she knows where's the money coming from. 

One time I enter her room and I found many notes, it was a planning, a planning to stop her brother from villainy. And from what happened now... You know what happened.


I listen to her story and nod. Ms. Tora is really the good guy, not a spy or anything else, just a normal girl who got caught up. "Seeing her condition today means she did try to stop her brother which result to her kidnapping and... the other thing." 

" did you know that it gonna happened?" She then puts her hand on her face. "I could've prevented this but I was too late. I knew that bastard and his pet will do something but I didn't notice right away. I once overheard them saying they will get rid of her if she tries to stop Shigaraki from his work."

I then get shocked seeing Himiko Toga crying, the crazy psyco Himiko Toga is crying. I am shocked but now I understand that she really, really cares for Tora, how close they are. "You did your best but now I'm sure you have the solution for her." She then wipes her tears and smiles. 

"Yeah. You really are a kind people. Just like when I first saw you." Just after that the door opened with All Might, Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Tsukauchi. "You ready for the questioning?" "Always has been."

To be continued...

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