Something Bad...really Bad

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She hasn't come out from her room since I found her crying on the rooftop. She refuses to talk to me at all. I can't do anything about it either. Shigaraki also ignores me when I ask about his sister, is he mad at me or who? Geez something must've happened between them and I just don't know. 

Good thing she still eat even though not as much as usual. The doctor came to check up on her just the other day. I found out that Tora snapped and used her quirk after being interrogated by a hero. When I hear the descriptions of the hero, I immediately know it's Aizawa.

Geez that guy, sure she is his sister but she hasn't done anything to you. Tok..,tok...tok... "Tora? You haven't gone out from your room. I don't really understand what happened but at least come out." Silence, she didn't reply back or even make a sound. It's been 5 days and it makes me really worry. 

"I really have to go to work. There're some letters for you and I hope that makes you feel better a bit better. I still haven't found your phone but I'll try. If I don't, then I'll buy you new one." I then left to go to my usual work.


When I hear the door close, I get up from my bed. My head hurt from crying but I don't care why should I care? My brother hates me now and my only friend hate me too. I walk slowly to open my door. If people see me, they may see a mess and disgusting human. 

I walk to see some letter at the table, around 6 letters. I open one from Toga who is asking why I don't reply to my text. I throw away the letter. I see 2 letters from...those heroes which I immediately rip and throw to trash. Then I see letters from my fan. 

I put them back at my room, not opening one.

It's not like I will reply anyway at least until Gigi got back. Then, I notice one letter from...Kurogiri? Why? I never knew him that well. I only know he works with my brother and he always so nice to me. I then open the letter. 

"Hello, little Tora. I see that you didn't come back after your private talk with your brother. I was about to give you a milkshake but you never come back. I try to text and call you but you never answer. Could you come to this address? I'm really worried what happened to you. I'll make your favourite smoothie. From your other caretaker, Kurogiri."

I then write the address to my notes. I should visit him, making him worried is something I don't like. I then leave to take a bath.


She doesn't answer her phone. She didn't even read my text at all. Some agencies cannot even order anything from her. "I really fucked up everything, didn't I?" "Well we never run into her despite she's living near this area so yeah. Oh, I met Giran, Tora's caretaker and I hope you don't meet him at all." 

"Why?" "Well it's pretty obvious you make her mad so as a caretaker, he is really mad at you." I look down in defeat. I know all of this my fault. "Oh, he also said that she still hasn't come out from her room. Sure, she eats normally but she still just locks herself up."

I mess my hair. I should meet her as soon as I can, at least I have to say sorry. This is frustrating.


This address is pretty weird. It leads me to abandon kinda factory in a middle of nowhere. Did I write this badly? I can't even tell. I never understand writing. "Little Tora. I'm glad you finally come." I look to see Kurogiri, mean I'm not at the wrong place. 

"I'm sorry Kurogiri, I broke my phone so I can't text you back." "Don't worry. Follow me." Kurogiri lead me inside. I don't feel safe...something is wrong but I can't pick point anything and Kurogiri is kind to me and he will protect me so nothing bad could happen...right? 

"You look horrible. Did something happen?" "Well, it's...nothing...I can't really tell you." Kurogiri nods and leads me to my sit. I sit at a little bar that I don't know exist. "So, you have another bar?" "I always have a bar anywhere." "Okay..." 

We stay in silence while he makes the drink. I just look down, thinking of everything. Will my brother talk to me again? He will forgive me...right? I'm his sister after all. Suddenly I see a box of tissue offered to me. Kurogiri must has seen that I'm crying. 

I grab it and wipe my tears that keep coming. "I don't really know what happened but...just you know everything will be okay. Here's your milkshake. I hope it makes you feel better." I took a sip of the milkshake. Kurogiri always make me my favourite drink while trying to make me feel better. 

"Is it because your brother said no to your request?" "H-how did you know?" "I ask him. He told me that you ask for a stupid request." "I-it's not a stupid request! I just want him to live like me at least! I just want him to live normal! I don't want him to be a villain! I want him to be my hero!"

"Sorry Tora...but I can't let that happen."

I immediately look back to see All for One behind me. I get up backing away from him, knocking the chair. "W-what are you doing h-here?!" "I should be the one asking you. This is my hideout after all." I look at Kurogiri to see he just stands there. He knows. 

"You...set me up, didn't you? Kurogiri? H-hey...say something!" Kurogiri just stays silence and look away. "Kurogiri!" "Anyway, since you were try stopping MY successor from achieving his dream, I have to do something You know too much, dear."

 I keep backing away, scared for my life. Brother...please help me! Suddenly everything spins making me fell to my knees. "I see the drug finally kick in." All for One walk to me and get down to my level. He lifts my face, looking satisfied seeing me in this state cannot even move away to safety. 

I mustered a glare at him which only look like I'm in pain. Everything is spinning and pounding. He chuckles darkly making me shiver. "I remember back then, when you requested for a quirk." He laughs. "I knew you would never be a villain so I just want to get rid of you but you're still his sister so I make your body reject the quirk." 

He tilts his head and smile wickedly. "I was hoping you'll die faster but the medicine seems to work well. Oh well I can fix that." He then let go of my face making me fell to the floor to succumb to darkness. "Sleep well, little Tora."


I open the door to the apartment hoping at least she is watching TV at the couch or at least have come out from her room. I look to see some letter were opened. Two even get to the trash so I'm sure she's finally out from the room. I look to her room to see the door open. "Tora? I'm back!" 

No answer. I walk to her room to see no one is there. I immediately look around the house searching for her. She's not here. I see that she changes her clothes. Did she go to meet someone? Who? I look back to the letter to see a letter from Kurogiri who is asking Tora to come to...


Oh no... This...this is bad!

To be continued...

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