Knows a Bit More About Tora

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"And here you go!" "Thank you!" Phew! That's the last one. My hands nearly crammed. "So since I need to rest a bit before I moved class, what do you guys want to ask?" Aizawa then tap my shoulder. "Are you sure? You said you have to get home quicker." 

"Well my brother would be mad but it's fine and I really need a break."

Iida :"Miss Tora, may I ask you when did you decide to be an artist?"

Tora :"Oh uh it was when I just turn 10. Something happened and I decide to be an street artist for living then some company decide to make a request and now I'm an official artist."

Hagakure :"What inspired you to do your work?"

Tora :"I always draw stuff that I see and give it to my brother. He always said it was ugly and from that I keep doing it again and again. I still didn't get a proper compliment from my brother though but now I can used my skill to do so many thing."

Midoriya :"C-can you explain ab-bout your quirk please?"

Tora :"Oh of course. It's called Paint. I can make anything into paint by touching it with my hand. That's why I'm wearing gloves. Sometimes I forgot to control it and change everything to paint so the gloves is just for precautions. I can also change it to what colors I want it to be."

Uraraka :"Is your hair naturally like that? It's curly and so beautiful."

Tora :"Well, I never cut it or do anything with it so it's natural. My brother also have this kinda hair but shorter."

Kirishima :"Have you ever thought of being a hero? That quirk is so manly!"

Tora :"O-oh uh... no well uh...for me anyone can be hero but I think it's not for me. I'm not that determined and uh...I don't really like heroes."


Tora :"Anyway, is there any another question?"

Bakugo :"What kind of person are you to not like to be a hero?"

Tora :" kind of happened? Can you ask anything else? I don't really like that question."

Koda :"*sign language* What animal do you like?"

Tora :"I like any cute animal. I want to own a dog but I think I can't since I still struggle to take care of myself."

Todoroki :"Do you live alone?"

Tora :"Yes, I don't want to be a bother for anyone so I live alone. Don't worry though. Everything is fine and my uncle will come visit once in a while."

I look at the clock. "I should get going now. It's really nice to finally meet you. I'm sure you will achieve every dream you want. See you next time." I bow and walk to Mr. Aizawa. "I have to go now. Thank you for doing my request." "No problem, kid. Now get going. Vlad King is waiting." 

I nod and walk outside.


"Mr. Aizawa! It seems you know her." "Yeah, I met her 8 years ago." "What's with her attitude change when we ask about hero?" I look at the student "You guys ask her about heroes?" They all nod. I sigh. "It's not a big of the deal but if you guys ever meet her again, I suggest you avoid that topic and make sure you are not in hero costume." 

"Why is that?" "She said that she has hatred towards heroes in general." "Wait...WHAT?!" "Don't worry, she is not a villain. She's just dislike hero." "Is that why you're not in hero costume?" "Yes, if not, she won't even come." "Just don't worry. She just hates our job not us." 

I see my student still confused but it something I still don't know as well. How did she hate hero? What did the hero do to her to hold such a big hatred to a hero? And why she didn't turn to a villain like any others did? It's so rare that someone who hates hero just casually become a civilian but who am I to judge. 

It's still a mystery for me as well. Who is her brother anyway? It seems she's really close with him but I never see another man with her other than Gigi or Giran, her caretaker. He looks sketchy but I can't judge the book by its cover. 

I still don't know why she really doesn't like asking people for help. That kid is still mysterious to me. "Anyway, let's get back to the lecture." "Wait what?!"


"Thank you so much for today! I hope you will become what you always wanted." I bow. It was faster than I thought it will be. They are really nice to except one who is really cocky. All the student waves their goodbye. I bow to Vlad King who is in shirt like I want it. 

He seems a bit annoyed but he just thanks me again. I walk outside and walking with my leftover. This day was fun. All the kids were nice and interesting. They all so polite too, except some but maybe being a hero would change their act. I feel vibrations at my pocket. I pull out my phone. 

It's my brother.

Well, I do pass the time I ask for. "Hello?" "Where are you and why are you not at home yet?! It's already 3 PM." "I've just done with the fan meet. I am walking home now." "Well you better be or I will never give this permission again." "Okay, do you want to meet up today?" 

"No, I have to prepare for tomorrow so... sorry." Aw... I really enjoy talking to him though. "It's fine. Good luck on your mission." "Thanks. Bye." "Love you!" He ends the call. Well I can sleep early today. I nearly get outside the gate until I see Mr. Aizawa.

"Oh, hi, Mr. Aizawa! Do you need something?" "I just want to ask something." "Well ask away." "Why you only agree on today fan meet? I know that Nezu invite you tomorrow too but you said you're busy." Oh, that is easy question but the answer is complicated. 

"W-well I need to rest for tomorrow. I've been really busy and tomorrow is my day off. Also, my brother didn't want me to go more than one day. So that all?" He eyes me suspiciously but he seems to brush it off. Good. "Oh well, that's all I need. Thanks for coming today. My students really like you."

"No problem. They are a lovely kid... just take care of them well. Something bad gonna happen." "Wait what?" Did I just say that?! Ah, my stupid mouth! "Oh...uh it's just a feeling." Why did I say that? "I have to go now. Talk to you later!" 

I immediately get outside and run. I'm sure he will be more suspicious that I did this but I just have to go home. My brother will be mad if he knows this.

To be continued...

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