We Found Her...but...

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The fight between All Might and All for One takes everybody's attention. Most people rooting for All Might to win where the other want All for One to win, the villain from the League. While this happened, Kurogiri teleports away, to the room where the broken girl being held. 

She's been stabbing the guy who All for One gave to her, the one who break her in the first place. His blood is all over her but she doesn't care, the only thing she cares is meeting her brother which All for One planned to never happened. "You want to meet your brother?"

She immediately looks at Kurogiri, desperation in her dull eyes. "This way." Kurogiri opens a portal. She gets up and walks to the portal. She keeps muttering. Kurogiri just closes his eyes, feeling the guilt. He actually doesn't think this will happened. 

He thinks that All for One just gonna keep her captive until she died or even kill her, but there she is, broken shattered beyond repair. It will be a miracle if she recovers from this. After she got teleport away, Kurogiri stay silence. Knowing it's all his fault, everything.

He is the one who get information of Tora, the one who kidnapped her and the one who get rid of the evidence. He teleports away while he thought 'I just hope Shigaraki '


"That fight from All Might was really epic." "Still though, I'm surprised he deflated like that." Two guys walk back after watching the Legendary fight. "But he still a great hero! He saved all of us." "Yeah too bad that evil guy group got away. What's the name? League of Villain?" 

"League...of...Villain...?" They turn to see a girl in messy clothes, blood all over, holding a knife. "Do you know where they are?" Her monotone voice sent shiver to the two guys. "W-we don't e-even know w-where they are. W-we can friend y-you home but please p-put down the knif-" 

"You're lying!" 

She immediately tackles one of the guys, holding him tight in the neck. "You just don't want me to meet my brother!" She stabs him multiple time. The other guy immediately run away, searching for safety, terrified of the death of his friend that happened just right in front of his face.


We all walk escorting Kacchan to the police for safety. My adrenaline still shot through the roof. I also still crying from All Might's last- "HELP! HELP! ANYONE! HELP ME!" We see a guy running towards us. When he reaches us, he immediately grabs me, yelling. 

"You all are hero in training, right?! You can protect me, right?" "Y-yes, b-bu-" "Please save me! There is this girl. I don't why but s-she killed my frie-aaa! S-she's here!" He points behind us, falling to hide behind us. We turn around to see a girl with blood everywhere.

Her light blue hair almost drenched in blood and her red eyes stare deadly towards us. W-wait...it can't be... I-is that M-miss Tora?! Momo, Iida, Kirishima, Todoroki, even Kacchan immediately realize too. "It's m-miss Tora, right? W-what happened to her?" She walks slowly towards us. 

The guy immediately runs away, we understand since he is terrified. "Brother...brother... brother..." We all immediately in a fighting stand. "Iida, contact Mr. Aizawa now! We will try to hold her down." "Got it!"


We all search for anyone who got caught up in the fight. Gee, that fight was intense. But now we will have to search other. If lucky, we might find Tora. I then help some people to the ambulance. If I'm correct, she must get kidnapped by the League since who else but for what? 

She's their family, right?" Suddenly my phone ring, I see that Iida is calling. I sigh in relief. They were near the fight so if they are calling, it means they are safe. "Are you all okay? I told you to-" "Now's not the time, Mr. Aizawa! We...we found Miss Tora!" Wait, they found her?!

"Where? Tell me now!" "An alleyway near the big TV! Please get here quick! We can't hold her much longer!" I run immediately right to the location still on the phone. "What do you mean by that, Iida?" "I-I don't know what happened to her but she keeps trying to attack us. There's this one guy who said that she killed his friend." 

This doesn't sound like Tora. She never will hurt a fly! "Are you sure that is Tora?" "100% sir. Her light blue hair and red eyes confirm it. M-midoriya, watch out!" I run much faster. Something must happen to make her like this. I arrived to see a shocking and terrifying scene. 

Tora cover in blood trying to choke Midoriya. Bakugo, Todoroki and Kirishima holding her while Momo secures the knife. "T-tora?!" She looks at me and I knew something definitely wrong with her. Her eyes are dull like all the life was sucked away. "Hero...in... costume...kill." 

She breaks free from the hold and runs towards me. I held her with my scarf. She struggles stronger than I thought. "I have to kill you! Brother will meet me if I kill you!" Who dare did this too her?! "Tora calm down! It's me. Aizawa!" She keeps struggling.

It seems she doesn't know me at all. "Yaoyorozu, can you create a sedative and a syringe?" "I can." She immediately creates it give it to me. I grab the syringe and slowly inject it to her. She keeps struggling until it finally kicks in and she fells limp. I put her down from the bind. 

"Thank you for coming right on time Mr. Aizawa. She is stronger than we thought." "Something is wrong with her, sensei. She was kind to us. What happened to her?" "She went missing a couple days ago. We are about to search for her but now we found her...just not in the right conditions."

"She also keeps f*cking muttering brother, does she mean that League of Villain leader?" "It should be him...We must take her to hospital. You all go back home." I carry her running to the nearest ambulance but run into Hizashi. "Wait, is that T-tora?! What happened to her?! Why there's blood all over her?!" 

"We just need to get her to the hospital. I'll tell you right as she is checked." "You better be."


"So, this is the new hideout." "Yes, Master already plan this hideout if something happened." I look at Kurogiri. He's been a bit shaken, like he feels guilty. "Kurogiri, can we talk in private?" "Yes, Toga." We walk to a different room to have a private conversation but for me, it's an interrogation. 

I look at him judging. "You have done something didn't you? You look like someone who feeling guilty. I can't see your face but I know your posture is different. Did you do something wrong?" He looks down. "It involves Tora-chan, right?" He flinches. I knew it.

"I've been having trouble contacting her for 2 weeks and I'm sure you are behind this. What did you do?" He stays silence. "Not gonna spill it, huh? Fine, but just you remember, I'm going to find out sooner or later and I will make sure Shigaraki knows it." 

I threatened him. I swear...if anything bad happens to Tora...I will kill Kurogiri with my bare hands.

To be continued...

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