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I walk outside still angry. I then bump to someone who I see is Mr. Hizashi which making me even more angry. "W-woah, hold on there, little listener. Tora, you okay? You look like yo-" I straight up ignore him. I'm sure that I will say something bad if I talk to him. 

As I'm walking, I immediately felt my chest hurt. I shouldn't have used my quirk like that but how would I know? I was so angry to even realize that I used my quirk. I manage to walk to an alleyway before anyone notice me. I try to calm down but the pain grows stronger. 

I held my chest falling to the ground. I try to get my phone but just before I get it, a sharp pain strikes my head, making my vision blur and black dots appearing. Just before everything went black, I see a guy with blue eyes who walk towards me. I hope me...


" happened here?!" I look to see Hizashi looking shocked at the mess. "No wonder she ignored me even though I'm not in hero costume. You interrogated her too much, didn't you?" "But what else can I do? Every time I asked, she said like it's none of her business." 

Suddenly someone yell. "You bastard!" I look to see someone I don't recognize. He looks like a doctor since he wears a coat. "Doctor, please don't yell." "How should I not yell after seeing what he has done to my patient?" Wait... patient? "What did you mean by that? She's not sick."

"Not sick? That's what you think. I'm starting to think that heroes don't care." I look away from him. "I am going back to work. Ms Kina, call her." "Right away doctor." The doctor immediately left while the nurse trying to call Tora. "Please pick up." She is hoping she pick up. She then stops calling. 

"Did she pick up?" "No, she rejects it."


"Here some drink."

I gave her a drink for her to drink her medicine. I could hear a small thank you. I then sit next to her, making sure she is okay. Don't know why I help but she looks really sick to be fainted every time I met her. "So...uh...what's your name, mister?" "Dabi." "You're the new recruits, right?" 

"That old man told you?" "No, my brother told me. He said that you are a bastard but you still help me so I think you're not." She's that brat leader's sister?! "So, your brother is a villain." She nods and look down. It seems she doesn't like if someone mentioned that. We stay in awkward silence.

"I'm going back, do you want me to take you home?" "You're going back to the League, right?" "Yes?" "Can I come with you? I want to meet my brother." I eye her suspiciously. "Are you sure? No one place a tracker on you right?" "No. I would know if they did." 

"Fine. Just follow me. Don't faint so suddenly. It will be a pain in the ass to carry you." "Hehe. I'll try..." she chuckled. We then walk together.


"Doctor, she rejected the call."

"What?! Has she call back?" "No but it means she's still okay since she still manages to reject it." The doctor pinches the bridge of his nose. He is really worried. "Text her to meet me for another check-up. Try to call her again." "I will."


I walk in front leading the way while she follows me from behind. To make sure I always look back so I can see if I left her faint in the street or I was walking too fast. Why would a villain help this unknown girl? Just because I'm not that cruel and she is my boss's sister. 

I'm (not) SorryWhere stories live. Discover now