Fixing Everything (Epilogue)

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I'm about to enter the prison cell when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I look back to see Aizawa. "As much as I hate you, I'll give you a word of advised. I know you have the urge to slam the glass, even though you did say you just want to talk to him or won't kill him. Just think about your sister." 

"I already know without you telling me." I walk inside the room there I see Master in the most vulnerable condition, tied up in the wheel chair and with breathing support. "Shigaraki? What are you doing here, my boy? How did you get in here in the first plac-?" "I have found out."

I said as I look to the floor. I didn't want to look at him, not from fear like before but from anger. I felt that if look at him in the face, I can't control myself. "Toga found out and Kurogiri confessed to me that you kidnapped my sister and made her ended up in asylum." 

"Oh, the one when she first became crazy?" I grit my teeth. "You know, Shigaraki, I thought that maybe your sister can also be villain like you but from the first month she's with you, I knew she would be the one who hold you back." He smiles wickedly behind his breathing support.

"So, I decide to change her quirk that her body reject then she will die, without dirtying my hand but it took too long and then she tried to stop you, made me have to get rid of her, but what's the fun if I just kill her?" I nearly bang on the glass but I held myself. 

I take a deep breath and lower my hands. "Since you're in the prison, guess I don't have to continue with your goal." "Aw, really? You know you can't back down now. You have destroyed many things. You have killed people; do you think they will forgive you?"

I clench my fist knowing his words are true, no one would want to just accept me after being a villain, I couldn't escape the world I'm already in. "Whenever he will be accepted or not, it will be no problem for us." I immediately look back to see All Might and Aizawa walk in. 

"He may have lived in the villainy life for too long but I'm sure he has better life with his sister." "But I know he won't survive-" "He will, yes he may act like a brat but he is still a great brother. Now, if you excuse us, there siblings need to be reunited." All Might and Aizawa open the door.

I walk with them leaving All for One alone.


"It's really hard. How do you do it?" Himiko keep talking to me but right now, my attention is at the door. I'm waiting for my brother. "Where is he? Are they lying? Are you lying? Lying...lying..." "Tora?" I try to open the door but it's locked. "I want to go outside! I want to go outside!" 

"Tora!" I bang the door hoping it to open but Himiko holds both of my hands. "Stop, you're hurting your hands." I try to snatch away her hand but then the door opens slowly. I stop my struggle seeing who is in front of me. "Nii-san..." "What are you doing? Wasn't it hurt to bang the door like that?" 

Himiko lets go of my hands. We stare at each other. I then lift my hands. "You're real, right? But this hologram looks too real!" Nii-san sighs and get on his knee and hugs me. "I'm real, I'm here." My eyes tear up. I then grab him tightly not letting go, crying. "Please don't go again!" "I won't." 

"Everything was scary! That guy kept doing something weird!" "Don't worry, I'm here." He holds me close, just like he did when he first found me.


From that, everything starts to turn for the better. Shigaraki stops his work as a villainy and starts taking care of his sister. The League of Villain is now gone with their member gone with their own ways. Some stays villain, some decide to help society. 

Toga decides to be a detective, Tsukauchi acknowledges her and teaches her, even help her to go to a collage. With her skill and quirk, she managed to solve many murder cases. For Tora or Tomiko, she's finally out from asylum, but still have therapy session for once in a while.

Surprisingly, her brother tries slowly introducing the heroes to her, not that he would be happy about it, but he knows that they are her friends, especially Aizawa. She first was scared but now she's comfortable enough. Sadly, because of her mental health, she won't be appearing in public anymore. 

She would do her art work but will stay anonymous until she feels better. But for her, that doesn't matter, as long as her brother beside her.


"So, you are moving out?"

"Yeah, Miko said she wants to stay in near a beach. Good thing her money can make the two of us live a normal live without work too much."

"Still not getting the job, huh?"

"Yeah, no one wants to hire not only from my record but from my look."

"Yeah, you really need a lotion and stop scratching your neck."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Don't you want to be a hero?"

"Honestly, it seems like a good idea at first. A villain redeems themselves by becoming hero. But I can't. It will be hard to get the determent like when I was a kid."

"Well, that's your choice. Anyway, you know my number, call me if you need help. We might fail helping you back then but not this time."

"I do can help myself."

"Just thing of it as an emergency. I hope you all save."

"Thank you...Aizawa and...I'm sorry when I-"

"No need, it's in the past, anyway, aren't you supposed to be home now? Your sister might the burn the kitchen again."

"Oh right! I'll be going! Miko, you better not burn the chicken!"

"See ya!"


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