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"So, what's her condition?" The doctor who I knew is one of Tora's personal doctor, check the examination. "Terrible. This is worse than when she is still a kid. She seems to not have eaten for a week. She also didn't sleep well for 2 weeks. We found some wounds at her body that we never see before and... from our further examination...she also got...raped." 

My eyes go wide. Who dare do that to her!? The doctor then asks me. "I was wondering, why was she covered in blood? It wasn't from her." "My students said she killed a guy. I didn't believe it at first until she tries to attack me." "She is not like that before. She's a sweet girl. Did something happen to her? I heard she went missing." 

I look at her sleeping at the bed, with many bandages. "I have no clue either. You knew that I lost contact with her 2 weeks ago after our argument and then she went missing for a week after her caretaker was found dead." The doctor sighs. 

"We will check her up more to see what's really going on. We also will have to check her mental state more. A girl like her suddenly kill someone mean it's not in a good state." He then opens the door. "We will inform you if she wakes up since you are the closest with her. You're free to leave." 

"Thank you." I go out of the room to see Hizashi who is asking for explanation. "My students found her after a guy ran up to them saying that Tora killed his friend which was confirm by the dead body and the knife she's holding." "W-what happened to her?" 

"The doctor said that rape." Hizashi's face immediately goes pale. "We have to find out what happened!" "I know. We will find that sick bastard who did this." "Mr. Aizawa!" I see Midoriya and his friend that found Tora run to us. "Is she okay?" I shook my head. 

"She's malnutrition and seeing she kill a guy that brutal means she is not in a good mental state." They all look worried. I can't blame them. I'm also worried, what happened to her?



The sound of phone cracking is heard. I look to see Shigaraki slam his phone. What is he on about now? "Why is she not answering her phone at all?!" I then walk towards him. "Maybe because of this?" I give him Tora's phone which look broken, like someone throws it from a rooftop. 

"W-why is her phone-?" "I found it near a building that I see you guys have your private talk. I was walking around because I was bored until I see this phone fell. I try to catch it but fail." "So now I can't contact her?! Giran also can't be contact."

I could only shrug while looking, no, glaring at Kurogiri. I knew something was wrong 2 weeks ago. I see Kurogiri following Tora and Shigaraki and I'm sure he was eavesdropping. Then she can't be contacted after that. She didn't even answer my letter which means something happened. 

Then, Kurogiri went outside more often than usual. But I still don't know enough...since Kurogiri must have erased his trace. I have to give Shigaraki the proof so he knows who did it. That doesn't mean I give up, Misty guy. I will find out the truth and when I know...

I'll make sure you pay for it. Tora, I will find you.


"So then when we move to-"

My phone immediately rang. I must forget to silent it. "I'm going to take this phone call. Behave." I go outside and press accept. "Hello?" "Aizawa right? We want to inform you about Tora." "Ah yes, is she okay?" "Well about that...uh...she is fine. Her body recovered well and she is in good health...on physical at least." 

My eyes widen. "What...happened...?" "She attacked some nurse just when she woke up. We immediately restrain her but get hurt at the same time. Don't worry, we just ended up in little bruise and scratches." The nurse chuckle nervously.

"But since she is clearly not in good mental state, we decide it will be best for her to get her to asylum. I can't explain much now since we still don't know the detail but you can come when you are free. There will be people that waiting for you." I begin to feel extremely worried. 

"Okay, I will come to visit after school done." "We will be waiting." I hang up and pinch the bridge of my nose. She's just been found and now got into an asylum. I have to find out what happened to her and kill that bastard.


I immediately pack my stuff. "Deku? Where are you going?" "O-oh I want to meet with Mr. Aizawa." "Oh ok. Be careful! " I then wave bye before I ran to the teacher lounge. I know eavesdropping is bad but I'm too curious. I then wait to see Mr. Aizawa just about to go. 

"Mr. Aizawa! L-let me come with you." "No, problem child." "But I-I really want to know." "No, Midoriya. You also still have to do you punishment from yesterday." "I'll do it and clean up the toilet please just let me come with you!" "Fine." I then follow him to his car. 

"S-so where are we going?" "To the asylum." "A-asylum?! Is it that bad?" "Yes." I only look down. How did someone make her like this?! She was so kind to us. Sure, she is related to Shigaraki but she's never done anything wrong. She just wants keep doing what she loves. Now, it's all ruin.


"Mr. Aizawa and is he your student?" "Yes, he kept pushing me to let him come too so I said yes." "O-oh okay...come with me." We follow the doctor until we arrive in one room. "She just went asleep. She kept banging the door saying she doesn't like being here but how can we let her out after she killed someone and attacked anyone she sees." 

I look at the room from a one-side window to see Ms. Tora laying down. She looks better now than when I found her in the alley. "We tried to ask her some questions's either she didn't respond to anything we say or she lash out at us. We also discovered something weird. Her quirk is paint, right?" 

"Yes." "But when we checked again, she doesn't have any quirk even close to that. What we found is a weird quirk. A quirk that creates a barrier." "W-wait what?! But she does have paint quirk!" "Well this can't be explained clearly but I heard that guy in Tartarus, All for One, he has a quirk who takes other quirk and give it to a person."

"But if that is how she got it, she must be kidnapped by that guy or at least his group." I immediately knew, League of Villains. "She does have a connection with them. I find it out 2 weeks before she went missing. The leader is her brother." 

"But why would her brother do that to his own sis-?" "Doctor!" A woman who is also in doctor coat. "What is it now, old woman?" "Hmph! Rude! Look at this file. I think I knew her." The doctor took the file and examined it. "Hm...she does look the same and the quirk is similar but the name is different." 

"Can I see it?" asked Mr. Aizawa. He then looks at the file and his eyes went wide. "What is this?" "An old file from 12 years ago. When I see her, I just remember about a girl who run away from this asylum. No one believes me so I try to search for the file and I found it. A girl who has PTSD from unknown reason. Her parents were so worried cause she started to have a bad panic attack just from going outside. Her name is... 

Tomiko Shimura."

To be continued...

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