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"as you wish Mama."

"Great Katakuri. I expected that you will do as I say without any complain.", Big mom looked down to her son, who was also one of the sweet commanders, with an evil grin.

"I already prepared everything for the ceremony. It won't be too fancy like we used to celebrate, because of our other preparations still going on. You just have to come looking decent for the event. One of your sisters will help you with that.", she added bored and shoved her face with desserts, ignoring her son completely.

Katakuri nodded and turned around to leave his mother alone. His look was frozen, strong like always. No expression was shown to his surroundings, but deep down under his facade his blood boiled of anger and frustration.

Out of all his siblings it has to be him.


Because he was admired by his family of his loyalty and heroic thinking? Because he always was on the front if something was going on?

Maybe that was the reason.

"Big Brother Katakuri!", a voice let him stop and look down to his sister Brulee. Smiling brightly she hugged the emotioneless man excited.

"I heard the news. Congratulation you will get married! Now you have always someone by your side!", she spoke happily, but her excitement was replaced by confusion after noticing the ice cold glare from her brother.

"Isn't that great?", she asked uneasy and got a deep sigh from Katakuri.

"How should that be great to get married to someone you didn't know?", he explained straight and was interrupted by a laughing Oven who entered their conversation.

"Yeah you are right brother. If I were you I also would be pissed. What if she is terrifying ugly? And then you are stuck with her in one bed for a lifetime.", he spoke mockingly and got punched in the gut by Brulee.

"Shut your filthy mouth Oven. You don't know that and I don't believe it. I wish Katakuri all the best.", she growled angered.

Katakuri watched the two and thought about their words. In a way Oven was right. He would never betray his mother and that means he would marry this woman, just to fulfill his duty, but he was also a man. Katakuri often thought how it would be to meet someone and care for someone other than with his siblings. Flambe and mostly Lola and Chiffon often talked about getting married with a man of their dreams. Find the true love and share their life with someone. Katakuri would never admit it, but he tried to find answers in books. Mostly romance novels where someone rescued his beloved. How ridiculous he thought, but honestly he was kind of jealous too. Most of his time he was working. Fulfilling his mother's wishes, but everything comes to an end and Katakuri came home to an empty room with no one to talk to.
It would be nice to have someone by his side who was asking how he was doing, what was on his mind, but his life wouldn't allow that.
Beside that, he also had a secret, which didn't allow him to just speak to someone freely. Hiding most of his face under a scarf, he swore to never show anyone his face.
It only brought fear and pain. He knew how people would see him after looking at his monstrous mouth. Sharp teeth and an cold expression, let them run away scared or bullying him.
Since he was a child he always had trouble after showing his image.
Only hiding it let his self-doubts weaken.
Nowadays as an adult, he was a feared pirate and one of the best fighters of Big moms crew. No one would dare to ask what is behind his scarf, but showing his image a woman? A girl he would like to be with?

No way, she would run away and break his heart.

Sighing deeply Katakuri pinched his nose annoyed and felt an headache starting. Oven and Brulee stopped their fight and gave their brother a sympathetic look.

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