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A man with a look, which could kill. Strong, intimitating and feared over the seas. A man with a kind heart, deep hidden under his masculine self.

And most of all.

A man who would die and do anything for his beloved wife.

(Y/N) cherished every minute of their time together. His intimating aura, which at first gave her the thrills of fear, but now excited goosebumps all over her body. His intense look, which let her shiver like a helpless prey, knowing all too well what he was up to. What he desired.
Never did she believed it, but Katakuri was a very passionate man and husband. Most of the time (Y/N) spent her time in his arms, under him, beside him. He wanted her. Soon when nighttime arrived and he finally was able to come home, the first thing was to look after her sleeping form in their shared bed. God was he a lucky man. Never did he dreamed of to have such a lovely wife by his side. She accepted him in every way. With all his odds, all his insecurities. She was his most precious treasure he ever found.

(Y/N) 's look fell onto the window,where the sun was about to slowly disappear. The last rays of the warm light tickled at her face. Taking a deep breath she enjoyed the comfortable warmth. Soon he would come home. Greeting her in kissing her cheek lovingly with a smile she loved so much. She couldn't be happier.

But lately there was something off. Something deep within her, which didn't let her sleep, doing her daily routine or whatever she was up to. Sighing she brushed through her hair to calm down. It was haunting her mind most of the day that she, not only felt exhausted, but also kind of sick.

"After all what happened I shouldn't push things. It would be sure too much...", she whispered while looking down to her stomach. Softly she touched her belly with a deep sigh.

"But it would be so beautiful..."

"What would be beautiful?", a deep voice cut through the comfortable silence and let her jump to her feet quickly.

"Katakuri! You are back early.", (Y/N) spoke happily and stepped to his side to give the busy sweet general a soft kiss on his cheek. His observing gaze never left her smiling one. He knew right away that something was off. Hell he was thinking about it 24 hours a day, why he often caught (Y/N) with a deep sigh or a daydreaming expression on her face, while she looked out of the window. Was he working too much? Or wasn't she happy with their shared life? But still she always gave him this lovingly smile full of happiness and he often took her with him on his duties to have some time together. No this couldn't be it.

So what was the problem?

Silently he hugged her small form and hid his face in her neck. Taking a deep breath he enjoyed her beautiful scent, while feeling her snuggling closer in his embrace. No, his worries were unnecessary. She was happy, he could feel it, sense it by her warm and sweet touch. Or was she really so good at acting?
His uncomfortable thoughts let him sigh deeply.

"What's on your mind (Y/N)?..."

His deep voice with this small demanding tone in it, impatient to hear what was going on, let her shiver. Biting her lip of what to do she looked up to his strong expression.

"I love you Katakuri.", she whispered with reddened cheeks, which let his heart flutter.

"Even if I love to hear that... That's not what I was asking.", he spoke calmly, while looking into her sparkling eyes. (Y/N) was fighting with her inner self to really speak about this topic with him. She would be devasted, if he would cut down her hopes with one word.


The fear to hear it. The rejection to become something so beautiful would break her heart, but she knew all too well that things wouldn't be so easy. They were Charlottes after all. Leaning back from their embrace (Y/N) slowly took his scarf away to see his expression clearly. If she tells him what's on her mind, then she wanted to see his full expression. The sweet general observed her carefully doings silently and got even more nervous about her serious acting.

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