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"(Y/N) my dear... Wake up. We are here...", Katakuri's voice let her eyes slowly open and with a short yawn she stretched her arms. Realizing what he had said and looking into his smirking face, she gasped surprised and hugged him tightly of pure joy.
Chuckling of her sweet act, he placed a kiss onto her forehead and took her bridal style to walk back to the cockpit. Sitting down in his seat, he placed his wife in his lap and guided the ship to the port of whole cake. It was really happening. Finally they were back home.

(Y/N) 's eyes widened of the sight before her. She totally forgot how literally sweet everything looked and how much she had missed it. The beautiful colors, extraordinary designed houses made out of chocolate and candy.

Absolutely stunning.

On top of that it was a beautiful day. The sun shone brightly down and let the sweets glister.
Coming closer, they could see chess soldiers gathering together and looking quite surprised and most of all irritated.
The news spreaded quickly, like a crossfire, after the pink bonbon stopped before sweet city. Oven was eating dinner, the moment a bunch of soldiers rushed through the doors like maniacs. Annoyed he scolded them to be more sensitive and most of all not so damn loud, but their message let his whole world spin like a ferry wheel. Mouth agape he first had to collect his thoughts. Shocked and uneasy of what to believe, he jumped to his feet to stumble out of the room quickly. On his way he was met with Brulee, Daifuku, Flambe...the list went on. More and more siblings followed his trail stunned and excited to see what was going on outside.

"Can you believe it?", Brulee breathed out stressed of what to think either about the news.

"Out of nowhere... I don't know Brulee. I hope she is in there.. I hope she is okay.", he spoke, while he was fighting with his inner self of what to feel. For happiness it was too soon. Who knows what was going on.
Getting down to sweet city they were met with hundreds of chess soldiers, who were guarding the bonbon ship nervously.
The familiar mass of pink gave the Charlotte siblings goosebumps. It sure looked like it was traveling through a battlefield and it sure meant a disaster for the one who caused this damage.
Getting to the front, the sibling's look fell onto the entry of the submerge ship, which slowly started to move.
Nervously they watched how the door opened. Gulping stressed Oven could hear silent footsteps, which came closer and closer.

Was (Y/N) really coming out there?

After all the despair they had been through, would she be back? Save and sound?

Gasping, shocked shouts of "Look there", were called after a familiar silhouette stepped out of the vehicle. Bright and beautiful shining eyes which had tears of joy in them, looked up to them and let the charlottes sob bitterly.

There she was.

After days, weeks and months of horrors, she was finally back at whole cake.

"I am back...", (Y/N) spoke, while tears rolled down her cheeks. Everyone was relieved and happy, nevertheless the moment felt also bittersweet for them.

"Come on. Don't be so slow...", (Y/N) called out into the ship and let everyone raise their brows in confusion, but then it hit them like a ton of bricks.

"This.... This isn't real..", Oven gasped and fell to his knees, while Brulee shut her mouth with one hand to control her outburst of emotions.

With one big step the sweet general of the big mom pirates stepped out of the ship carefully and faced his siblings with an uneasy look on his face. Still wearing the red scarf, he got from (Y/N), and only dressed in black pants, he felt kind of vulnerable without his usual look. But at that moment nobody really cared at all.

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