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A slight knock and the sound of the door let the old woman look up. Still a bit dizzy from her sleep she only was able to see a tall silhouette of what she believed could only belong to a man. Blinking in surprise her eyes slightly widened after getting a better image of this person.
A mass of muscles. That was her first thought which popped up in her mind. That and the stunning color of his crimson hair and piercing eyes. It sure had something dominant, dangerous, but also in a way intriguing.
The man was moving slowly and carefully. She was sure he did that to not scare her, because he knew how intimidating he was looking.
Beside the man she noticed another shadow. A familiar dress she always loved to see, because she herself bought it for this sweet little girl.

Her sweet little girl.

A bright smile made its way onto her face and quickly she opened her arms after she was met with the excited expression of (Y/N). It always fascinated her how this girl was able to smile so brightly after what she had been through with her young age.

"Grandma!", she called out to her and fall into her arms to hug her dearly. Gasping and laughing happily she hugged her back and couldn't find the words to tell how happy she was to see her after such a long time. For her old days, it was more precious than for anyone else.
Stopping by her bed the man looked down to her small form, still with his strong, emotionless expression on his face. She heard so many stories about this man, had to endure hours of crying from her son, the king and his wife, but now finally she was able to see this man in real. Honestly the way they described him fitted him perfectly. He was really a tall and overwhelming man, nevertheless after hearing about (Y/N) 's love towards this pirate, she wanted to know what kind of charm he was hiding to get her little girl' s heart.
Shyly (Y/N) took her grandma's hand and looked to her husband, who was crossing his arm's over his chest and looking, well yeah not really helpful with his strong half hidden face to make a good first impression.

"Grandma, this is Katakuri Charlotte. My husband.", (Y/N) announced with a big smile, while the old woman had to look up high to see him better.
Katakuri felt uneasy under her strong gaze. He knew how important this woman was for his wife. That made the situation far more harder.

Her look was serious, careful and intense. Like she was reading his mind, which let him look back as twice as serious like she did. Honestly he didn't know how to act. He was used to be a warrior, a sweet general and a fearful pirate. How should he act towards an old fragile lady who was checking him out from head to toe.
(Y/N) sweatdropped of their staring contest and scratched her head in confusion. Were they speaking with telepathy or something?

"(Y/N)", her grandmother spoke dry and got her attention immediately. Was something the matter? Sure his first impression could be kind of scary. Okay was scary. It would break her heart to hear anything bad from the old lady. Her advice was always very important.

"What a man! Look at those biceps! That sure is a lot to handle!", she spoke bluntly and let the young girl beside her stutter in embarrassment. Katakuri's eyes widened for a moment and he was lucky to have a scarf around his flustered face. He expected many things but not such a compliment. Now he felt more uncomfortable of being just in black sweatpants. His torso was still bandaged so he didn't think it was really needed to put on a t-shirt.

"Grandma! What are you saying!", (Y/N) hid her face in her hands to hide her blushing face while the old woman laughed out happily.

"I am sorry my dear. It's the first time I see him in real. Finally we can talk, Katakuri Charlotte..", she started and let him raise his brow of her words. (Y/N) got a short push from her grandmother and knew all too well what she wanted.

"Give us some time my dear. I want to know what man he is.", she hushed her away from her side and waited patiently for the beautiful princess leaving.

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