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"Look out! There is something ahead of us!"

Quickly soldiers were gathering together at the outpost to get a better view of the strange object which was coming closer with every second.

"It's the submerge ship of Big mom!!! Inform the king immediately.", an higher ranked captain shouted stressed and got his weapon ready.

"Captain it doesn't slow down!!! It will hit us!", someone shouted, but it was too late, because the ship crashed full force through the entrance and splattered the doors into pieces. Shocked they jumped out of the way, while the big bonbon stopped meters away in some trees. Gasping the captain slowly followed the trail of destruction to get closer. What business did Big mom have with them? They were already used to her impulsive behavior, but crashing into their kingdom in such a way was something new.
Nervously he was followed by other soldiers and stopped at the door of the ship. Knocking confused he waited patiently for her to come out.

"What's going on? Why isn't she coming out?", he asked out loud and decided to open the door himself. Smoke erupted from the mechanism and they were met with darkness. Red control lamps were blinking annoyingly with different errors.
Stepping inside to have a closer look he could hear a frustrated whimper.

"Big mom? Are you in there somewhere?", he asked into the darkness and heard some shuffling sounds at the back.

"Please....", a soft voice whispered exhausted and got his attention. Getting a torch from his subordinates he light up the room and gasp of shock.

"Princess.... Princess (Y/N)!", he shouted and let the others get eyes like saucers of surprise. Getting down to her level he noticed her bad condition. She was pale, was in need of food and water, while clinging onto a blanket.

"Please help him... He is wounded...", she whispered and blacked out before the shocked captain. Confused he looked out for this wounded man and froze in the spot after his eyes landed on Katakuri Charlotte. He was shaking and sweating of a terrible fever. He didn't know exactly what brought them here. What story was behind that situation, but it had to wait.
Calling out for the others they quickly took (Y/N) to take her to the infirmary of the castle.

"What about him? Isn't this the man she had to marry?", a soldier asked seriously and unsure of what to do.

"Her words were clear to hear. She wants him alive so we will do whatever we can...", he spoke with a hint of anger in his voice. He despised the Charlotte clan. Since they had to give their princess into those monsters hands, Exotica wasn't the same anymore. There was always a shadow casted over the daily life of them mixed with the frustration of (Y/N) 's leaving.

"The king has to decide what will happen to him.."


Everything felt so lightly. Ingulfed in pure white the pain slowly drifted away and was replaced by a comfortable warmth. But it couldn't be helped, he had to wake up. Had to know how his wife was doing. And what was going on right now.

Slowly his eyes fluttered open and he found himself in a bedroom. It was huge and mostly empty, expect from the large bed and wardrobe. For his tall standards perfect. The large windows let the rays of the sunlight inside and gave the room a friendly atmosphere. Confused about his whereabouts he noticed his bandaged torso. The pain was gone and with it the fever. Relieved that he finally was able to get back to his old self, Katakuri felt something familiar around his neck, which was hiding his face. A soft red scarf, which smelled faintly of his beautiful wife.
Sure (Y/N) put it on, while he was unconscious and not able to hide for whatever was about to come.
Feeling his heart flutter of her kind act, he also felt worried. Mostly, because he couldn't see her beautiful form anywhere around him, but instead his look fell onto an old couple clothed in an royal attire. Their looks were seriously focused on his confused ones. But he had to admit that he was irritated too.

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