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"Don't make yourself your enemy..."

3rd Person POV

As if on cue, in steps in the domineering physique of none other than Jeon Jungkook, who's eyes were fogged over with intent murder and promise of blood.

Jimins eyes widened in pure relief and excitement, his heart beating frantically against his chest and tears springing to his swollen eyes involuntarily. He released a breath he didn't even know he was holding, his body yearning for Jungkooks gentle touch, the soothing caress of his hands as they glide along his frail body.

All he could do was silently sob to himself, his body shaking with his cries as Jungkook began to make his way towards him hurriedly, his steps booming against the concrete flooring.

Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, the deafening sound of Jimin's blood rushing through his veins and the multitude of emotions clashing in his brain made him feel nauseous.

He bit his lower lip, trapping it in between his teeth in a bruising grip to prevent it from quivering as Jungkook knelt in front of him, his intoxicatingly musky scent flooding Jimins senses and washing throughout his body as it helped ease his soul.

"Baby..." Jungkook whispered so enticingly low, his voice sending a chill down Jimins spine. Yet, Jungkook seemed slightly unsure of himself as he stretched his arms open for Jimin, as if questioning whether the younger would reject his embrace.

"K-kookie" Jimin whimpered brokenly, his voice filled with emotion and longing as he threw himself in Jungkooks open arms, his hands wrapping around Jungkooks build as he clung to him desperately.

Jungkook instantly relaxed the moment he felt Jimins delicate body against his, letting out a long, dragged out sigh in content as he tightened his hold around his baby's build.

He cradled Jimins trembling form in his arms, nuzzling the crown of his head and inhaling his succulently sweet scent. The raging pain gripping at his heart began to subside slightly, a numbness taking its place as he submerged himself in his lovers presence.

He pressed a long kiss against Jimin's head, his eyes shut tightly as he focused on the younger's being. Jungkook couldn't bring himself to pull away, not when Jimin was practically clawing his fingers in Jungkooks clothing to get him even closer.

"Shh baby, you're ok... I have you kitten, you're going to be ok, I promise...." Jungkook whispered sweet, comforting words to Jimins trembling body, stroking his back gently as he cradled him in his lap.

Jimins head was buried deep in the crook of Jungkooks neck, his tears soaking Jungkooks shirt. He wasn't crying because he was in pain or having just experienced the same horrific situation again, but he was shedding tears of relief at seeing and having Jungkook next to him.

He couldn't bear the thought of never seeing or being with Jungkook again, so being able to revel in the feel of Jungkooks arms wrapped around him so protectively and securely, brought on a wave of emotions that he couldn't suppress.

No one dared interrupt their emotional reunion, and as much as Jungkook had murderous thoughts on his mind, he couldn't bare letting Jimin go to fulfil such graphic acts.

But as expected, they're loving moment had to be interrupted by a certain treacherous bastard who couldn't, for the life of him, keep his revolting mouth shut.

"Who the fuck are all of you!?! And who the fuck do you think you are to be touching-" He screamed so painfully loud that some winced at his highly irritating noise.

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