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"You deserve to be loved..."

Jungkooks POV

I guided Jimin towards the centre table that had been specifically prepared to serve all eight of us. I couldn't help but grin at how carefree he had become considering the minor panic attack he had. I knew he'd grow to love them all and see them as an extra support to lean on.

I myself don't see them as just friends, they're all my family. And although I was never an open book cheesy type of person, I'd express how much they all meant to me with ease. Especially now even more so, as Jimin elegantly managed to fill that missing void that constantly ached at my being.

It's crazy how in such a short amount of time, he practically became my world. The very source that I revolved around, and the very person that I couldn't, for the life of me, get enough of (even if I wanted to, which I don't). He's just that perfect, like he was made to be mine, and mine alone.

A light tug on my sleeve snapped me out of my thoughts, and I smiled instantaneously as my eyes latched on to the most beautifully enticing almond-coloured orbs.

I couldn't help but thread my fingers through his lusciously soft locks, as he beamed up at me with the lightest pink tint coating his cheeks. I could swear that someday I'll go blind at how strikingly gorgeous he looks.

"What is it baby?" I asked, my deep baritone sending shivers down his delectable body. I smirked at the effect I had on him.

He stood on the tips of his toes and ushered for me to bend down with his sleeve covered hand. I chuckled at his adorable nature, before leaning down  and turning my head. He cupped his small soft hand over my ear, whilst his other one clutched onto my shoulder for balance as he whispered;

"Does that mean they're my family now too?" he beamed.

I shivered as I felt his hot breath fan against the shell of my ear, clenching my jaw as his intoxicatingly sweet scent latched itself onto my skin, flaring through my nostrils and invading every cell in my body.

I willed myself to keep my control, before turning my head to whisper in his ear, brushing his hair behind his ear with my hand and allowing my fingers to caress the skin right below it. I smirked as I felt his entire body shudder under my touch.

"My family is your family baby" I smiled down at him, finding it immensely adorable how the top of his head doesn't even reach my shoulders.

He giggled, causing my heart to swell in my chest. "So are mine...." he replied before taking his seat that I had pulled out for him. "What're you planning to eat? Or was the meal prepared beforehand?"

"Everything was prepared beforehand. Jin hyung wanted to cook an extra special meal to celebrate everyone meeting you today and vice versa"

He smiled jubilantly, peeking up and looking around him before bringing those mesmerising almond coloured eyes to lock with my own. "I can't wait to taste his food! The aroma alone is mouthwatering"

I watched with a heated gaze as he swiped his pink tongue along his bottom lip, leaving it with a moist sheer glaze. I cleared my throat, my eyes darkening with a burning desire as I took in the delectable sight before me, imprinting it deep in my mind.

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