Eliminate, to Reawaken

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"A sweet, riveting death to quench our souls..."


WARNING!! Graphic and gory content in the 2/3 of this chapter, please DO NOT read and skip that part if you feel uncomfortable!


3rd Person POV

Jungkook couldn't help but smile, his lip trembling slightly as he gripped Jimins back with his hands, as if assuring himself that the younger is really there, that he isn't in some type of messed up dream where he'll wake up and be alone once again. Left in a maze of dreaded longing and emptiness.

He succumbed to the calmingly tranquil embrace of his lover, immersing himself in the soothing feeling, the feeling of being home.

He didn't want to pull away, but sensing Jimins discomfort due to his injuries had him unlatching his body from the younger's own. He gently placed a hand on the small of Jimins back and the other behind Jimins head as he carefully lowered his upper body back onto the soft mattress.

Jimin grimaced slightly as he felt Jungkook remove his hand from behind his back, a sharp pain spiralling through his bruised and fractured rib cage yet he attempted to stifle his pain.

Jungkook instantly apologised, softly stroking Jimins sides to ease his discomfort "I'm sorry baby"

"No kook it's ok, I'm just surprised my pain tolerance isn't as high as it use to be" Jimin drawled, his eyelids fluttering lethargically as a gentle smile lingered on his lusciously plump lips.

"You can go to sleep baby, you don't have to force yourself to stay awake" Jungkook encouraged, combing his long fingers through the silky smooth locks of Jimins hair.

Jimin let out a contented sigh, leaning into Jungkooks touch as his eyes defeatedly shut. His breathing began to even-out more than it already had, feeling his body grow slack as it sunk deeper into the mattress.

Jungkook continued to play with Jimins luxuriously soft waves, gently messaging his scalp with the tips of his fingers. He knew exactly when Jimin had managed to fall into a deep sleep, yet he couldn't bring himself to move from his position, nor could he will himself to leave the room and deal with the wretched human forcefully kept at his warehouse.

A knock came to the door moments later, snapping Jungkook out of his stupor as he slowly turned his attention towards the door. He watched as his father, Mr Jeon, walked into the room followed by the Namjin and Taegum couple, who were shortly followed by Hoseok and his husband Yoongi.

Jungkooks heart tightened in his chest as his eyes caught Yoongi's, his mind suddenly reeling with the realisation that he'd be ending the life of Yoongi's biological parent. Although he didn't deserve to be alive, it didn't change the fact that it's Yoongi's biological parent. He didn't deserve the title of father. It's a title you earn, and he certainly did not earn it.

"Hey kook..." Mr Jeon smiled softly, pulling his son into a comforting embrace as everyone else shared loving greetings.

Jungkook hugged and thanked them all for being there, before taking his stand in front of Yoongi, who looked up at him with curious yet slightly confused eyes.

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