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"But what if I want to?..."


Disclaimer: Jungkooks father who gave birth to him will be referred to as 'dad' whilst his other father, Mr. Jeon, will be referred to as 'Appa'

3rd Person POV

"Hey kook, how's my baby doing?" Jungkooks dad softened, smiling through the other end of the phone as he checked up on his son.

Jungkook turned his head towards the bed where Jimin laid, cuddled up in the soft linen sheets as he slept soundly. "Perfect... everything's going perfectly. It couldn't be better... although having you here would complete everything"

"Awe kiddo... things have finally turned up huh..." His dad warmly voiced, his tone tender as his eyes glossed over. "Guess it's a good thing I'm here then"

Jungkook stood still for a moment, his dads words registering in his mind. "What? You're here? As in at my house or Seoul?!"

"In Seoul kiddo" he chuckled. "I wanted to visit you and my beautiful son in law, but I didn't want to show up unannounced and frighten the little cutie"

"When did you come back? Does Appa know?"

"I arrived at the airport a few hours ago. I wanted to surprise him by coming home earlier than what was originally planned, so needless to say, he broke down in tears the second he saw me.... it was so adorable... I missed you guys so much..."

"We missed you more dad... Appa had it worse though, he barely slept during the night and couldn't even focus on his work during the day. Where is he now anyway?"

Jungkooks Dad sighed contentedly over the phone "He's currently sleeping while clinging to me like a vine. I didn't think he'd miss me that much, it's not like it was the first time I've been away"

"You've never been away this long. It's been months Dad. And how come they still contacted you for help? You resigned years ago"

"Yeah I know, but this was -or shall I say is- a very serious and complicated case. It's been ongoing for years now, and lately has gotten even more severe as the number of victims has practically tripled over the past three years. That's why they asked for my help, they needed their boss back"

"So is it a serial kidnapping or?..."

"We assume so. Although I think there's way more to it, because I don't understand how that many young boys can get kidnapped and be kept somewhere against their will without being found, or even raising suspicion of some sort"

"Young boys specifically?" Jungkook furrowed his brows, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration "They must have a motive behind all this then. Do you have any suspects?"

"No... literally no one. Kook I'm losing my mind at this point. No traces are ever left behind, they're completely meticulous and the only way we even managed to connect and link all the kidnappings together, was because all the boys that were taken looked somewhat the same and were even the same age. It couldn't have been a coincidence"

Jungkook weaved a hand through his hair, its dampness clinging to his fingers "How come you're back home dad?.... Have you given up?"

"Please, we Jeons don't give up" his dad smiled fondly "Plus, I'm pretty sure all those boys are waiting for someone to come rescue them. I can't leave them like this... they don't deserve what they're going through, nobody does...."

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