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"Smile for me baby... just, smile.."

Jungkooks POV

To say my body wasn't hot and heated all over would be the most blatant lie I could ever tell. Not to mention my insatiable hungry, and not the kind that food can solve. Might I add, it's all clear as day, evidently displayed on my features.

I glanced over at him from the corner of my eye. The cause and source behind my lack of self control and slowly crumbling composure. Yet I cannot, for the life of me blame him for it. His beautiful subtle skin that glowed elegantly under the dewy horizon light, his soft blonde curls that graciously fluttered against his forehead, slightly covering his eyes.

I wanted to weave my fingers through it, caress it with so much compassion. Yet I also wanted to tug at it, watch as he moans and trembles below me. His body bucking towards me helplessly. I should feel guilty at such lewd thoughts, however I can't help but revel in them. Wanting, needing, to make them a reality.

I smiled to myself slightly, sighing at the painful throbbing of my crotch against my jeans. Luckily it had calmed down a bit compared to before. Seeing him strutting in all his glory. Which, in fairness, was the most pleasurable sight I had ever witnessed. Yet it was also a punishment, as I couldn't do anything about it. Well, nothing too intimate...

I genuinely cannot comprehend how riveting and astonishing a person can be. But he's living proof of it, and even then I cannot come close to understanding it.

"Tired baby?" I asked, eyeing him as he fought to keep his eyes open.

I was currently driving as we made our way to our new home. Which I had no idea about until Jimin brought it up.

"No I'm fi-

He yawned, catching himself mid sentence. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his adorable nature.

"You say something, when you mean another" I reached over and ruffled his hair. He instantly leaned into my touch, my heart fluttering in response. "At least your body is honest"

A rosy blush painted his cheeks, a pout residing atop his lips "I-I'm just a little tired..."

"Why don't you take a nap while we get there?" I quirked a brow, my voice soft and low.

"I c-can't fall asleep..."

"Why not?"

He hesitated a bit, biting his lower lip. I sucked in a breath at the sight.

"Keep biting your lip like that, and i promise you it won't be you biting it next time" I husked out, smirking internally as I watched his eyes dilate lustfully and cheeks redden even more.

He slowly drew his luscious bottom lip from the confines of his teeth, allowing the rush of crimson blood rise to the surface without actually breaking through. I held on to the last strand of my sanity, watching as his lips darken in that enticing crimson shade.

"S-sorry..." his eyes wavered for a solid second. "I just can't sleep without hugging something"

"Awh..." my eyes instantly softened. "Guess I'll have to do something about that"

I grinned as he gazed at me with confused, lost eyes. I turned on auto drive, before pushing the button which caused the gear shift to retract, allowing a seat cushion to replace it instead. This way the passenger seat and the drivers seat were fully connected, nothing in between to separate them.

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