Carnival Mischief

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"You and your beautiful fucking smile.."


Disclaimer: DDLB relationship (Daddy Dominant Baby Boy) I hadn't specified Yoonseoks relationship, yes they are married, but they're also part of the DDLB community. Hoseok is the Daddy, and Yoongi is the Little


3rd Person POV

Yoongi took in a deep calming breath, before exhaling through his mouth "I think I'm being watched..."

Hoseok stared at him wide eyed, trying his best to contain the wave of emotions boiling at the pit of his stomach and not unnerve his husband even more "Baby, I need you to explain to me exactly what's going on, what happened?"

Hoseok could see Yoongi's eyes begin to un-focus, dilating slowly as the younger tried his best not to age regress. Hoseok cupped his hands over Yoongi's soft pale cheeks, tilting his head up so their eyes can meet.

"I know your emotions are all over the place right now, but I need you to stay in your big boy headspace baby" hoseok spoke softly "Can you do that for daddy, baby boy?"

Yoongi bit his lip before nodding, despite a part of him just wanting to cuddle in bed and sleep his problems away, to allow his mind to return to a stage in which he felt the happiest. "Yes daddy..."

"Good boy. Now take a deep breath and just focus on me. You know I won't let anyone hurt you, you're safe with me"

Yoongi leaned into hoseoks touch. The sheer warmth radiating from his husbands body soothing his frayed nerves as his mind began to wander to the very thing that caused him so much pain and torment.

He couldn't stop the flicker of memories that came clouding through his mind like a bullet train rushing through a tunnel. No matter how badly he wanted to give in to his body and allow it full control to completely go into a much younger mindset, to allow him to cower and concave himself in his mind in order not to deal with his growing dilemma, he knew he couldn't.

Not after Hoseok had specifically told him not to. He knew it was important that he remained in his rational state. A state in which he could communicate clearly, without slurring over his words.

"Someone's watching me... they're after me... my father sent them, he sent them to find me so that he can h-hurt me again! I know it-

"Baby your father has been dead for the past eight years" hoseok interrupted, not wanting the thought to further dwell in his husbands mind, knowing it'll only cause the younger to freak out and panic further "He's gone, and he's never coming back to hurt you. And even if he happens to magically revive, he won't be able to set within a single mile from you. I'll make sure of it"

Hoseok could evidently see the various emotions flaming in his husbands eyes. The fear, hesitance, uncertainty, but most of all, the compassion the younger felt towards him. He could feel the slight tremble to Yoongi's small build, so he pulled him closer to his body, tucking him against his chest as he wrapped his long muscular arms around his slim waist.

He cradled him in his embrace, placing soft tender kisses on the top of his crown and whispering sweet reassuring words in his ear. Yoongi's body had instantly calmed down, his breathing more steady as he allowed his husband to take care of him.

It was this side of Yoongi that hoseok rarely got to see. The side in which he was at his lowest, in which he was stripped to the very vulnerable, broken core of his soul and left fearing everything in the world.

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