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"I'm sorry... I had to..."

3rd Person POV

When morning had arrived the next day, Jungkook and Jimin were dressed, refreshed, and ready to make a start to their busy schedule. Jimin had a photo shoot at his parents company, in which he'd spend a few hours changing attire in preparation for their new collection launch, Angel Meets Devil.

Jungkook had plans to meet up with his dad and discuss a few important issues that were still unknown to him, therefore he wouldn't be able to attend or act as support for Jimin during his shoot.

They had agreed that while Jimin was completing his shoot, Jungkook would head over to his dads office (Moon's office) then return to pick Jimin up when he was done.

For some peculiar reason, Jimin had felt unsettled throughout the morning. A dull ambiance looming around his senses despite nothing seeming out of place. He didn't want to worry Jungkook, so he turned a blind eye towards his frayed nerves and just focused on the dewy sunrise as their car glided along the street.

His small plump hand was laced in Jungkooks own as soft music played in the background. Jimin hummed along to the melody, the singers voice soothing his mind yet the lyrics clutching at his tender heart.

He absolutely adored the song, despite its heartbreaking meaning and desperate longing.

"Just like the day that I met you, the day I thought forever, said that you'd love me, but that'll last for never" Jungkook sung along to the lyrics, a soft smile instantly adorning Jimins plump lips as he focused on Jungkooks heavenly voice.

"It's cold outside, like when you walked out my life, why you walk out my life...." Jimin continued on, his eyes glistening as he gazed lovingly at Jungkooks features, whose lips curled into an amused and proud grin as he turned his head slightly to gawk fondly at Jimins presence.

"Cuz I, remember every time, all these days that feel like you and me, heartbreak anniversary"

"Do you ever think of, me?...." Jimin tilted his head in question as he finished singing the lyrics with Jungkook, the song gradually coming to an end.

Jungkook chuckled in amusement at Jimins puppy like expression "you know you're all I think about" he answered Jimins curious eyes.

Jimin giggled, a goofy grin resting on his insatiable lips as an adorable blush glistened atop his cheeks "you're all I think bout too..."

Jungkook squeezed his hand gently, bringing it up to his lips before placing a tender kiss on Jimins soft skin.

"How long do you think you'll be at your dads office?..." Jimin asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"It shouldn't be too long baby, just call me when your shoot is over and I'll be outside to pick you up. We can go for ice cream after"

Jimin's eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of ice cream. He didn't know why he had such an obsession with the sweet, creamy desert.

"Can we buy the ice cream from the shop next to the pier? The view is astounding..." Jimin recalled sitting comfortably on the wooden ends of the platform, swinging his bare feet freely over the edge as he remained tucked in Jungkooks embrace, his back pressed against Jungkooks toned chest.

"Of course kitten, whatever you like" Jungkook winked, enjoying the shivers that travelled throughout Jimins body at the pet name.

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