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"No amount of pictures could ever capture such a moment, however a painting on a canvas, might just suffice...."

3rd Person POV

"Baby! How many times have I told you to ask me for help whenever your getting up" Jungkook fussed worriedly, rushing towards Jimins side and wrapping his arms around the younger's waist as he helped him up.

Jimin giggled, leaning his weight against his husband and relishing in the sacred embrace and attention of the man. Ever since being told that Jimin was pregnant, Jungkook had amped his protective and territorial tendencies to the max. He's somewhat become a worried momma bear that hovered over its children.

Although it was heartwarming, one couldn't help but admit how comical it had become. At times, Jimin wondered whether he was the one pregnant with the way that Jungkook constantly fussed about him, shielding him from any potential 'danger'.

"Kook... I'm fine. How could I possibly hurt myself when you're practically glued to my hip" He mused

"I'm sorry baby, does it bother you?"

"No that's not it kook" he smiled, rubbing his hand against Jungkooks chest "It's just.. you're already this protective and they aren't even here yet. I'm just wondering how much more you'd be when they get here"

"You're my babies, of course I'd be protective over you all" he responded gently "How can I call myself a father if I'm not even caring for and protecting my own children. Plus, you're going through and experiencing changes that I'll never go through, just so that you can deliver our little ones safely. I can't just sit there while you go through all that, I need to play my part as not only a father, but a husband too"

Jimin smiled indulgently at him, his heart swelling in his chest despite the sharp pain that coursed through his stomach. He stood on the tips of his toes as he placed a heartwarming kiss against Jungkooks lips "You know how much I appreciate you kook...."

"I do. You're constantly reminding me too" he chuckled fondly

"As I should. It's important to remind the people you love and care about how much you adore them. You never know, sometimes they might need it more than you think"

"I got my own lil spokesperson" Jungkook mused proudly "could you be any more perfect baby?"

"Could you be any more loveable" he countered, laughing softly at Jungkooks light blush.

"Well- what's wrong? Are you ok?!" Jungkook asked frantically, eyeing Jimin up and down as his hands tentatively checked his body.

"Y-yeah I'm- oh my god!" He screamed, hunching over as he gripped his stomach with his hand.

Jungkook instinctively caught him, clutching him gently as he lowered him to the floor. His heart began to race, his mind becoming numb as he felt a wet substance surround their legs.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" Jungkook trailed profanities, his eyes roaming the floor that was drenched "baby you're in labour... oh fuck oh my god there's still a whole week left! What the fuck I'm not fucking ready!"

"Kook- aghh!"

Jimin bit his lower lip in attempts to conceal his screams, his hand remaining clutched against his stomach whilst the other one gripped Jungkooks bicep, his nails practically digging into his skin.

Jungkook attempted to steady his thoughts as he whipped out his phone from the comfort of his pocket, speed dialling the private hospital to inform them that they'll be there soon.

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