Chapter 6: Choosing Her

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"Well, when can I meet her?" Aunt Tara asked as she handed me a part for the car we're currently working on. I came over earlier than usual to talk to her about my feelings for Lena. She's the one person in my life who knows everything about me, including what happens when I turn 18. "Whenever you want. I want her to meet you before the others." I finished putting in the last bolt and slid out from under the car. "Bring her over next weekend, then. I'll make some dinner and we can hang out for a bit," she replied with a smile. "Though, I don't have to meet her to know I like her. The way you talk about her is different than I've heard you talk about anyone else, ever. And she definitely can't be worse than that she-devil you were with a few years back." I playfully threw a greasy rag in her direction as I laughed. Talking to Aunt Tara had made me feel lighter and allowed me to feel happy about my feelings rather than scared. Sadly, I knew this feeling wouldn't last. I planned on talking to Logan later, before he left to go back to school. I knew his opinion wouldn't be as optimistic as hers. Being in our world is risky. If anyone found out that Aunt Tara knows what she does, she would either be killed or turned. For one thing, vampirism isn't something we want the locals to know about. One of the reasons my family fled Italy so long ago was because of angry, scared lynch mobs. Having too many humans in on the secret increases the chances of exposure and impending doom. Another issue is the hunters. They're constantly tracking us and trying to exterminate our kind. My family has been flying under their radar since moving to California. Our change in lifestyle, meaning how we get blood, has allowed us to hide in plain sight. However, if we were to be found, anyone close to us could be hurt in their attempt to end us. How could I potentially put Lena in danger like that?

"Seriously though Artie, everything will be okay. You can let yourself be happy for a little bit. You deserve it." Aunt Tara grabbed some tools and walked towards the back of the car, putting an end to the conversation for now. I thought back over the night before and how good it felt to allow myself to be with someone emotionally, without sex. Talking to Lena and learning more about her made me feel more free than I've ever felt. And it was so easy. It was like I've known her for many, many years and I was just recounting what had happened since the last time I saw her. I sighed as I pushed the thoughts out of my head. How can something so easy be so complicated?

I worked with Aunt Tara through the afternoon to get the car finished on time for her client. "I guess I'll see ya next weekend, then?" I asked as we finished cleaning up the shop. "Saturday, just text me what time you want to come. Go ahead and get out of here. I can finish cleaning," she replied. "Sure thing, love ya!" I walked out to my jeep and drove back to the house. Once again, no one was home except for our loyal housekeeper, Alyse. "Hey beautiful," I said as I stretched out my arms to give her a hug. "Don't you dare, Artemis. Go wash up, you're filthy. Leave your clothes outside of the bathroom and I'll grab them," she replied with a look of disgust on her face. "Nice to see you too," I scoffed playfully. I did as she said and hopped in the shower to wash off the grease and grime. By the time I was done and came back downstairs, Logan was sitting on the couch. "Just the man I wanted to see," I said as I plopped down next to him. "Hey little sister! How was your date?" "It was... the best night of my life, honestly," I answered with a dreamy smile, "that's actually why I wanted to talk to you." He gave me a smile, but I could see the concern in his eyes. I told him about the date, minus the personal details Lena and I shared with one another. I told him how the night ended with my realization that I have feelings for her, strong feelings at that. "I'm happy for you, Art. Truly," he didn't meet my eyes as he said this. "But?" I prompted him. "But... now you have to decide what you're going to do. If you're already in this deep, imagine what it'll be like when you turn 18. If you choose to be with her now, assuming everything goes well, you'll have been together for a little over a year once the change happens. Then, you'll have to choose again when that time comes. It's risky for both of you." "What would you do then, Logan? Help me out here," I pleaded with him. "I can't make the decision for you, Artemis. You already know the decision I've made. I chose not to get close to anyone and I stick to that plan, even now. But that doesn't mean that's the only way to do things. You can choose to be with her and enjoy what time you will actually have together before your life changes forever. It's just that, it will change. There's no way around that. Then you'll either risk breaking both of your hearts or putting her in danger by filling her in on what she doesn't know." We sat there quietly as I digested everything he had said. I know deep down that the right thing do is to stop the relationship before it can start. But I also know that it's already started and I'm not strong enough to let her go.

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