Chapter 7: Holiday Fun

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A few more weeks passed with nothing new happening. Lena and I continued hanging out when we could, mostly at her house or our spot at the beach. She hadn't met any of my family other than our dinner with Aunt Tara. Which I'm honestly not in a hurry to do, but with Thanksgiving coming in a couple of days and Spencer and Logan coming home for the holidays, it's bound to happen. I haven't tried to kiss her since the dinner either. Any time I thought a moment was happening between us, I found a way to stop it from happening. I refused to take advantage of a situation without knowing how she truly feels, if she's actually ready to move onto that stage of our relationship. "What are your plans for Thanksgiving?" Lena asked as she laid on her bed and I sat in her computer chair with my feet propped up next to her. "My parent's usually use the holidays as a huge networking opportunity. Anyone with money or status is invited to our house for a party. I have to make an appearance to present a strong family unit, but I usually skip out when no one's looking and go to Jasmine's house." I shrugged as she looked at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "What about Nikki?" she asked. "Her family goes out of town to visit with family. They rent a huge cabin in the mountains and spend the holidays there. What are your traditions?" I attempted to take the heat off of me and my friends. "My grandparents on both sides used to come to our house and stay through the weekend. We always played lots of board games and watched movies. I don't know if they'll come this year though since we live farther away," she looked away from me as she tearfully remembered past holidays. I didn't know what to say or if she even wanted me to say anything, so I sat there quietly.

"Can I come to your house? For Thanksgiving I mean?" I looked up to see her sitting up and staring at me. "It's the worst place to be, Lena, especially during the holidays. I don't even want to be there," I tried to talk her out of wanting to go. "Are you ashamed of me?" The words rushed out of her mouth like she had been holding them in for a while. "What?!" I asked bewildered. "Of course not! How could you think that? Why would you think that?" I stood up quickly as she rose and started to walk to her bedroom door. "Lena, stop. Please talk to me," her hand hovered over the knob as she paused. When she turned back around tears were streaming down her face. "I'm sorry. This isn't about you, I don't think. I'm on my period, so I'm more emotional than usual. I'm just gonna go clean up." She turned back around and opened the door, but I pushed it closed before she could walk out. I grabbed her upper arms and turned her to face me. I used one thumb to rub circles on her arm as the other one wiped the tears from her face. "You're not overly emotional. I've known you for a couple of months now and you've never cried in front of me for no reason. Just talk to me, please." "You haven't invited me to your house or to meet your parents or brothers. I feel like there's a whole part of your life that you don't want me to be a part of," she wouldn't meet my eyes as the words left her mouth. "Lena you could not be further from the truth." "Really?" she asked softly, finally looking up at me. "God no. It's them I'm ashamed of. Well, my parents at least. Logan and Spencer just never really come home anymore. But everyone who is here and who does matter to me has met you and trust me, if you asked them, they'd say I don't shut up about you," she laughed and put her hands on my cheeks as they heated up from embarrassment. I put my right hand on top of hers and held it to my face. "I'm not ashamed of you. I want you to be mine, I want to be yours, and I want everyone to know about us," I looked into her eyes as I spoke, "and just so you know, no one has ever heard those words from me before, ever." "Yes," she said as she looked back at me. "Yes, to what?" I laughed lightly. "To being yours. I'll be your girlfriend," she said determinedly. "Oh, I kinda thought you already were at this point?" My words trailed off as a question. "You never officially asked," she shrugged. I scoffed and rolled my eyes in response, "As if you couldn't tell how into you I am."

She laughed as she pulled me back to her bed and pushed me down before falling next to me. She laid her head on my chest and held me tightly around my waist with one arm. I knew without a doubt that she could feel my heart beating wildly beneath her head. "Lena?" "Hmm?" She sounded sleepy and on the verge of falling asleep. "Will you come to my house for Thanksgiving? I'd love to have my girlfriend there to help me get through the horrible day." I could hear the smile in her voice as she responded, "Of course, but only if you'll come here after." I squeezed her lightly to show my consent before allowing myself to relax and drift off to sleep, laying in the most comfortable position I had ever found myself in.

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