Chapter 22: Now I'm A Vampire

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Lena's POV

I drove for hours, too scared to stop anywhere other people may be. I didn't even pay attention to where I went, but I was pretty sure I stayed in California. Artemis' face was seared into my mind. She was scared, worried... longing. I knew if I stayed, she would help me figure things out. I knew I wouldn't be as afraid. But I also knew I would let her back in. I knew I would open myself back up to a heartbreak only she could cause. Besides, I had a life before she reentered it. I was in medical school to become a doctor. I had a boyfriend, who wanted to marry me. I hadn't even had time to explain most of my life to her before it was ripped apart. I can't go back to that life now. Vampires don't age. Sure, I can finish school and become a doctor, but I can't marry Drew. I don't know if I even wanted to, but it hurts to know the decision isn't mine anymore. So many things are going to change for me. Can I even go home to visit my family for Christmas? Can I handle being around people at all? Will I be able to be a doctor around all of the blood?

A light lit up the dashboard and the car dinged to let me know it was low on gas. Fuck! I pounded the steering wheel with my fist, and it bent awkwardly. The car shifted on the road, but I quickly regained control. My eyebrows lifted in shock. I wasn't used to my new body. If I stopped and focused, I could feel the strength and adrenaline coursing through me. I felt powerful. Renewed. And just like everything else, it scared me. I passed a road sign with a gas icon on it. I had no choice but to stop unless I wanted to chance walking for a long time. I drove the last few miles to the exit and pulled off. I came up to the gas station and sighed in relief at how empty it appeared. I parked next to a pump and started to get out of the car. Damnit, I don't have any money I realized before I fully got out. I opened the backpack Art had packed and rifled through it unsuccessfully finding anything. I gave up my search of the bag and opened the glove compartment. Empty, except for some registration papers. I felt panic bubbling up inside me for a moment. I didn't want to be out in the public, still not sure how I may react to humans. I didn't know if I would have the urge to rip their heads off or not. I took a deep breath and opened the middle console. A thick wad of cash sat inside, and it seemed to glow as I picked it up, relief flooding through me.

I double checked no other cars were in the lot before heading inside the gas station. The only person inside was the attendant. It was a younger girl, maybe in high school or right past high school age. She smacked bubble gum in her mouth obnoxiously and stared at me bored. I held my breath as much as possible and hurried to the counter. I tossed two twenties down and murmured, "Pump 1." I didn't give her time to respond before turning on my heel and booking it back out to the car. I exhaled deeply when I was safely back to the pump. A clicking noise let me know it was activated and I pushed several buttons before sticking the nozzle in the gas tank and letting it fill. A smile slowly spread across my face at how easily I had completed this miniscule task. Maybe things wouldn't be too different. Maybe I would be okay.

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