Chapter 21: I Need Space

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We only spent a few hours alone in my room before she spoke up. I knew she was heavily debating something because she was so quiet, but her face let me know she was struggling to come to terms with her new life. "I need to go," she rose from the bed and walked out of the room. I rose up quicky from the chair in the corner and followed. She was already down the stairs by the time I reached the top. She paused and glanced back looking slightly confused. She wasn't used to her reflexes yet and how fast she can now move. "Lena, wait," I pleaded, skipping down the stairs. She flinched and edged towards the front door in the living room. "Please, it's not safe for you to go. You don't know anything about what it's like being a vampire." She shook her head, fear building in her eyes. "I need space. I can't be here right now." She turned her back to me and walked over the door, her hand turning the knob. I sprinted over, shoving my hand firmly against the door to keep it closed. "You have to eat first at least." Her head whipped towards me; the fear much more prominent. "Trust me," I tried to comfort her, "the medicine my mom gave you will curb your appetite some, but it works differently for everyone."

My family had gathered in the living room at this point, after hearing the commotion. Spencer had a few blood bags in his hand already and a thermos in the other. I nodded my head in his direction and Lena's eyes followed. She seemed uncertain and her steps towards him were hesitant, but the fear of what could happen if she doesn't drink pushed her forward. She took the thermos from him and stared at it, contemplating her next actions. After some time, she squared her shoulders, and a blank expression took over her face as she popped open the lid and tipped the cup back against her lips. She drank slowly at first, but innate desire drove her to gulping it down within seconds. Once the thermos was empty, she wildly grabbed a blood bag from Spencer and ripped it open with her teeth. Blood dribbled down her chin as she sucked down the contents of the bag. She did these two more times before she slowed down and regained control of her body.

Shame and something close to disgust crossed her face as she stared at her blood covered hands. She didn't say a word as she ran to the closest bathroom and slammed the door shut. I didn't miss the sound of the lock clicking. Obviously, she didn't want to be followed. The house was silent except for the sound of water running from the faucet and splashing with the sounds of her vigorously cleaning herself. I knew she would still want to go and didn't want to hold her back from taking time to figure out how she felt about this change. No matter how worried I would be about her, I knew she wouldn't listen to me and that things weren't going to be the same for a while, especially if I didn't give her what she needed. I went to my room and quickly rummaged around for a backpack. I threw some clothes inside, a toothbrush and toothpaste, with any other essentials I could think of. I made it back to the living room right as she exited the bathroom, the blank expression still clouding her face. Spencer met me at the bottom of the stairs with more blood bags and a set of car keys. I nodded at him gratefully as he carefully placed the bags inside the backpack. I zipped it up and handed it to Lena, still not saying a word. She finally met my eyes and hers were filled with tears. A sharp pain stabbed my heart and my hands twitched, wanting to pull her in close. I didn't get a chance to act on that feeling. She took the keys from my half-outstretched hand and all but ran to the front door. She paused for a second, her hand hovering over the knob, but she didn't turn back. She flung the door open, not stopping to shut it behind her as she flew to the car. The tires squealed as she peeled out of the driveway. A pit formed in my stomach and tears fell from my eyes. For the third time in a matter of days, my heart broke as I contemplated the idea, I may never see her again.

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