Chapter 14: Fucking Confused

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We laid in her bed a little while later. Neither of us spoke, but the silence was comfortable. I wondered what she was thinking. I was on cloud nine. I mean, I've had some hookups over the years. Cassie and I did our thing, but nothing could compare to Lena. I never expected to be in this situation again. Especially after telling her my darkest secret. If this moment never ended, I could definitely live happily ever after. I felt her weight shift next to me. I turned my head to see her laying on her side, facing me. I stared into her eyes, trying to see where she was at with things. Nothing. She was always so good at hiding what she was thinking. She surprised me by reaching out and tracing my lips. "Do you drink blood?" she asked quietly. I shifted nervously, worried about her reaction. She pulled her finger back at the movement, and I wondered if she was afraid. "Yeah," I whispered, waiting to see her reaction before continuing. Her eyebrows scrunched together, but no other signs of disgust were apparent, so I added, "mostly from blood bags." "Mostly?" she questioned, raising up slightly on her forearm, "do you drink from humans? Animals?" "I have never drunk from a human without permission, and I've only drank from animals when I was desperate. I always felt bad after," I looked into her eyes as I spoke. Her face was blank as she gazed back at me, even her brows had returned to their neutral position. Fuck, she's probably freaking out internally and trying to figure out how to kill me or get me out of her house.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of tires coming down the road. I hadn't heard any traffic on her road since we got here. I sat up quickly, throwing on my clothes and moving to her front door to look out of the tiny windows on either side. Lena was hot on my trail, her bed sheet wrapped around her naked body. "What are you doing?" She couldn't hide the little bit of fear that mixed with her confused tone. I didn't answer as I watched a dark van coming down the road. It began to slow as it neared the gravel driveway and I realized too late what was about to happen. Fear now coursed through my body uncontrollably. I turned around quickly to face her. I wanted to pick her up and run. I had to get her out of here. But there was no time. "Get dressed and stay in your room," I responded firmly. Adrenaline was beginning to settle into my body. She opened her mouth, most likely to argue, but the sound of the van pulling up and doors opening seemed to have changed her mind. She backed into the room, slowly at first, before she saw the look in my eyes and picked up the speed. I made sure the door was locked, knowing the hunters would try not to disturb the home unless they knew I was here.

The blinds around the home were shut, but I didn't have time to turn off any lights without raising suspicion. I stopped right outside of Lena's bedroom as a knock sounded from the front door. I peeked inside her room but didn't see her. Surprisingly, she had listened to me and found a safe place to stay while I figured this out. "Anyone home?" A muffled voice asked from the other side of the door. I listened intently, trying to figure out how many people were outside the door. Two heart beats, at least one male judging from the voice I heard. I heard someone walking around the house, looking for a second door or a way to see inside. As they made it back to the front, I heard them whispering. I moved closer to the door as quietly as possible, trying to make out what was being said. "If no one is home," the voice said, "why is a car in the driveway and why are there lights on?" Shit, I knew the lights would be a problem. I backed away, moving closer to the couch for cover in case they came in guns blazing. I could barely hear a tiny clicking noise as the lock to the front door turned slowly. I kept shuffling backwards, wanting to run, but knowing I couldn't leave Lena behind. The back of my knees hit the recliner and I fell into the seat. As I saw a foot entering the door, I grabbed a shot glass from the coffee table that was to the right of me and downed it. I grabbed the next shot and leaned back into the seat, figuring I might as well get comfortable, seeing as I would be here for a bit. A man came first, followed by a woman. Guns were pointed out in front of them as they scanned the room for me. I waved to get their attention, "Took you guys long enough. I've only been here waiting for about," I paused to check my watch, "three hours? Four? Hell, I don't know." I raised my glass, "You're here now, though. That's all that matters. Cheers!" I took the shot, quickly grabbing another and offering it out to them, "I'm being rude. Come in, have a drink with me!" They walked towards me; guns still raised. They didn't seem to be amused. Hunters are always so uptight. I shrugged my shoulders and took that shot as well. I leaned forward in the chair, resting my elbows on my knees and folding my hands to show I meant business.

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