Chapter 17: Enough is Enough

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Outside of the small house, things were chaotic. Bullets were flying everywhere, and bodies lay strewn across the desert. Every step I took led me closer to absolute carnage. I saw Cassie struggling a few feet away from me, the man she was fighting actually able to overtake her despite her superior strength. I realized all too late that all their weapons were bounded by spells meant to make us weaker, more easily killable, like a human. That realization hit me along with the brunt end of a giant ass sword, right in the face. I flew backwards and slammed into the ground. Blood was pouring from my nose and mouth, right where the sword had made contact. Who the hell brought a sword to a gunfight?! I rolled to the side quickly as the person wielding the sword ran forward and swung it towards me. It lodged into the dirt right where my stomach had been a few seconds before. I turned my body and kicked the sword with both feet, snapping it in half and releasing the magic within it. The woman stumbled backwards at the loss of weight, but recovered before I had time to process what she was doing and stabbed the rest of it into my abdomen. I screamed out in pain. It never feels good to get stabbed, even if you know it won't kill you. I stood up and ripped the broken shard out of my flesh. Blood poured from the wound, but I could feel it healing. Anger boiled up inside of me, thinking about who these people were, what they do for a living, and who I was fighting for. Rage fueled my actions as the woman turned and began to run away. I threw the blade and watched as it lodged into the back of her head. She fell to the ground, giving way for me to set my sights once again on Cassie, who was luckily still fighting back.

I ran at lightning speed and used my body to slam into the guy and sent him flying away. His body made several crunching noises on impact, and he landed on the ground writhing and groaning. I put my hand out for Cassie to grab and hoisted her back to her feet. She clutched her stomach and held onto my shoulder, not able to stand fully on her own. I pulled her hand away to get a better look at her wound. I could tell by the slight color variation in her blood that it was poisoned with magic. I couldn't tell exactly what caused the wound, but it didn't appear to be a bullet hole. I looked around me frantically, looking for someone who could help us. It was no use. We were in the middle of a war. I thought through my options quickly and decided to get her back to the house for now. I scooped her up bridal style and ran as fast as I could. Once inside I laid her on the floor next to the couch Spencer was still on. Lena looked at me, terrified by what she saw. I walked closer to tell her I would find help as soon as possible, but she grabbed my shirt and lifted it up, searching for the source of all the blood. At this point, I barely had a scratch. I grabbed her hands and brought them up to my mouth, planting a soft kiss to let her know I was okay. "I'm going to get some help. I'll be back soon," I gave her hands one last squeeze before running back out the door.

I took off running towards one of the helicopters, hoping there would be medical supplies on at least one of them that would be useful. Without stopping, I reached out and punched a hunter in the face as he sprayed bullets into the body of a now super dead vampire. The speed and force caused his head to make a sickening noise as it swiveled an inhuman amount on his neck. I jumped onto the back of another hunter who was slamming the end of their rifle into another vampire's face over and over. As they fell backwards, I moved myself on top of them and as their back hit the ground, I sunk my teeth into their neck, right on the jugular, ripping it out harshly. I didn't feel like myself as I looked back up and my eyes refocused on the helicopter. I took off again, making it there in seconds. I jumped inside, looking through any and all cargo. I didn't know two hunters had followed me onto the vehicle until I threw a box behind me and heard someone cuss. I whipped around quickly, snarling my teeth at them. Who am I? It's like any ounce of human left in me has been replaced by some feral animal. I smiled slightly at this thought as I could still taste the last hunter's blood in my mouth. One of the hunters in front of me took a slight step back. I'm assuming at how deranged I must look at the moment. They both had some type of machine gun in their hands. I knew this would be tough to maneuver my way out of. Just as I had almost given up hope, someone appeared behind one of the men and sank their teeth into his neck.

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