Chapter 15: Stay With Me

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Lena entered the bedroom silently later that night. She must have fought off sleep for as long as possible because she looked exhausted. I checked my watch and saw that it was a little past 2:00 a.m. I got off the bed as she walked up to it, intending to the leave the room to give her privacy. As I went to walk past her, she reached out and grabbed my arm. Her eyes were asking me to stay, and I knew that I couldn't say no. I backed up onto the bed again, laying down completely. She laid down next to me and threw her arm around my waist. Butterflies filled my stomach at the embrace. I groaned internally. My body must literally hate me. Even when I'm pissed at her she still has complete control over me. Her fingers were drawing circles on my bare skin, where my shirt had ridden up slightly. I squirmed at her touch. She raised up, leaning on her arm so that she could see me. Moonlight lit up our faces as we stared into each other's eyes, daring the other to make the first move. My breathing hitched as her hand went even higher under my shirt. I couldn't take it anymore, I just hope Spencer and Logan left the penthouse for their sake. I leaned up, kissing her passionately. She quickly kissed me back and crawled on top of me. My brain kept trying to process how and why this was happening, but my body screamed at it to shut the hell up. I ripped off her shirt, tearing it in the process, and tossed it into the darkness. She glared at me, "That was my favorite shirt." I paused, caught off guard. "You've been pissing me off a lot, lately," she pushed me down so that I was lying flat under her. I gulped; how could one person be this sexy? She grabbed my chin, forcing me to look her in the eyes. I saw a lot of anger, and a little bit of hurt, but mostly desire. She pressed her lips to mine hungrily as her hands weaved into my hair. I grabbed her hips, pulling them into me. A moan escaped from her mouth, driving me even more wild. I flipped us over, so I was on top of her where I belonged.

I kissed down her neck, sucking here and there to hear more moans from her. My teeth grazed over her nipple as I made my way to her breasts. I bit down lightly, and her body jerked upward. She pushed me up briefly to remove my shirt and then brought me back down to her chest. I continued biting and sucking her nipples, while my fingers teased her through her jeans. Her nails dug into the skin on my back the more I rubbed between her legs. I lifted off her and removed her jeans and panties. I paused for a second as I took in the sight of her naked body in the moonlight. Her green eyes pierced through my soul as she waited for me to return. One of her hands found her breasts and she began teasing her own nipples. Her other hand trailed down her stomach and she rubbed slowly, moaning my name as she picked up speed. I quickly climbed back on her, wanting to be the reason she finished. Her arms wrapped around my neck as my finger entered her and began pumping in and out. She pulled my head down to hers, our tongues battled for dominance. "I want you to drink from me," she panted in between kisses, her breaths becoming more erratic.

I pulled back slightly, enough to see her eyes. My finger slowed, but I didn't pull out of her completely. I started to shake my head no, but she held my face in both of her hands and pulled me back to her lips. This kiss was softer, slower. Her tongue entered my mouth gently and she left me feeling breathless. My eyes fluttered open when she pulled away, my lids feeling heavy with what I could only describe as enchantment. She gave me a small, encouraging smile and pulled her hair off of her neck. "Why?" I asked, scared that she would regret having me do this. I knew I wouldn't hurt her. Like I said, I've built up self-control over the years. But this seemed intimate, not just her fucking me for old times' sake. She didn't respond other than by turning her head giving me a slightly better angle. I glanced down at my hand moving between her legs, at the way she moved her hips in rhythm with how I moved. By the time my eyes had made their way back up her body, my head was already moving towards her neck.

I let my canines extend and gently bit into her neck, careful not to go too deep. She sucked in a breath, but her hand moved to the back of my head, stopping me from pulling back. I waited a second for her to get used to the slight pain, before biting harder to draw some blood. She winced, but I immediately sucked the blood from her neck as it hit my tongue and her sounds became moans. I only sucked a handful of times before pulling away. With her blood coursing through me, I felt powerful, and energetic. Almost high. I moved my head down between her legs and begin licking with speed, picking up where my finger had left off. She cried out in ecstasy as she orgasmed. I didn't slow down as her body shook and squirmed underneath me. I didn't stop even when she stilled. She tasted too good. "Artemis..." she pleaded with shaky breaths. With some effort, I pulled myself away and dropped onto the bed next to her. She didn't hesitate to crawl on top of me, but her movements were more sluggish than before. It didn't matter how slow or fast she went, it wouldn't take long for me to reach my climax.

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