Chapter 4: Fling or More?

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The following weeks after the party flew by quickly. Lena and I had a sort of unspoken plan of meeting each other at our spot on the beach each Friday afternoon. We never stayed for too long, with her mother calling or texting her to come home, but it was my favorite part of the week. We kept conversations light, trying to learn more about each other without pushing too far. I learned her parents were both doctors who met in med school and actually work at the same hospital as my mother. She also has a younger brother. Her family adopted him when he was a baby, and she was about seven years old. It's clear from the way she talks about her family they are close. I told her I live with my brothers and our parents, but mostly talked about my aunt Tara whenever she brought up family. I pretended not to notice the crease between her eyebrows and the small frown on her face as I always directed the conversation towards something else. I asked her about music, sports, art, friends, anything and everything I could think of, just trying to soak in as much information about her as I could. On the fifth Friday of us meeting, I finally gathered the courage to ask her on a date.

Lena sat next to me watching the sun dance across the water. I fidgeted nervously next to her, peaking at her every now and then, trying to find the right moment to ask. "What's wrong?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and couldn't help but to relax a little into the increasingly familiar touch. I looked to my left to see Lena looking at me with concern in her eyes. I could feel my palms getting sweatier and my heart racing in my chest as I stared into her eyes, trying to find an answer to my question without even asking. I could hear my oldest brother's voice in my head, "Dude, grow a pair. Monticello's don't get nervous over anything, especially girls." Right, I thought to myself. I can do this. I grabbed her hand off of my shoulder and intertwined her fingers with my own. I watched our hands fall into my lap, hoping it would give me more comfort and hoping she wouldn't jerk away. I felt her fingers squeeze my hand. I looked back up into her eyes, still showing concern, but offering encouragement. I sighed, it's now or never. "Could we hang out some time?" I spit out quickly. Lena laughed. What the hell? I pulled my hand away from hers and started to stand up. "Wait!" She said through her laughter as she grabbed my hand and pulled me back down. "I'm sorry," more giggles left her mouth, "I'm just wondering what we've been doing for the past few weeks?" "Oh," I said sheepishly as a blush filled my cheeks, "well, yeah, we've been hanging out, but what I meant was," another sigh left my mouth, "could we hang out on a day that isn't Friday and somewhere that isn't the beach?" I finally asked. "Like a date," I added more firmly. Surprise filled her eyes as the last of her laughter died down. We sat there in silence for a few seconds, though it felt much longer to me. Finally, she responded, "Yes, but only if I don't have to dress up." The smile that now sat on my face felt too big to be possible. "Of course not," I said happily, "don't wear anything if that would make you more comfortable." Lena punched my arm as I laughed at my own joke. Suddenly, I could breathe easier and the world seemed happier. Lena's phone rang as it usually does, drawing this evening to a close. After a quick talk with her mom I walked her back to her car. "So," I started, "are you free tomorrow?" "Someone's eager," Lena replied with a smile on her face, "pick me up at seven o'clock. Don't be late though, I don't give second chances, Monticello." I watched her drive away before getting in my own car and letting out a celebratory holler. I called Nikki and Jasmine as I drove home, too eager to tell them about my date to wait until I got home. Plus, they needed to come over and spend the night so there would be plenty of prep time the next day. Like Lena said, there wouldn't be another chance, so I needed to make this one perfect.

I pulled up to my house just as Nikki and Jasmine did. Apparently, I wasn't the only one eager for this date. "Oh my god!" Jasmine squealed as she got out of her car. "I can't believe you're going on an actual date! It's been like, what, three years?" "Closer to two, I think. And it's not really a big deal, Jas. It's just a first date. We've already been hanging out," I tried to reassure myself as I felt the nerves already hitting my body. "Hold on, I was surprised enough she's going on a date with you, but you've already been hanging out?!" Nikki exclaimed. Jasmine grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front door. Nikki punched in the code and the three of us walked inside, though I was more or less dragged. Jasmine tossed me onto the sofa and sat down next to me. "Tell us everything." So, I did.

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