Chapter 23: Giving Space Is Hard

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Artemis' POV

I checked my phone for the ten thousandth time, hoping to see a text from Lena letting me know where she was, that she was at least okay. She didn't take her phone with her, I'm not even sure if anyone knew where it was. I didn't know if she still had enough supplies to last her, like blood or money. Three days have passed since she left. My life has been hell since she left. I haven't had her transition to keep me busy or her presence to keep me calm. Spencer and Cassie haven't offered any reprieve. All they do is talk about Logan and that really depresses me. I can't handle thinking about him when I'm already worried about Lena. My mom has tried to keep me busy by sending me out to gather things she needs to replenish the supplies she lost from the fight. It's helped some. But there are too many moments where I'm not doing anything, and that's when I can't stop myself from thinking about her.

I was currently sitting on the couch in the living room with Cassie and Spencer. "Maybe you should go visit Jasmine," Cassie spoke up, interrupting my sulking. My immediate reaction was to disagree. I hadn't seen her since I left, and I had no clue how she felt about me. But, for the first time in three days, I felt a spark of happiness fill my body just at hearing her name. She was another person on my list of people who I missed deeply and if Tara and Logan's deaths had taught me anything, it was life is too short to put things off. I stood from the couch, stretching. I have no clue how long I had been sitting there. I started walking towards the garage, but paused next to Cassie on my way out, "Thanks Cass," I bent down and pecked her cheek. She stuck her tongue out at me playfully and I ruffled her hair as I straightened back up. I walked to the garage and grabbed the first set of keys I saw. Sweat was building up on my hands at the thought of what I was about to do.

A little while later, I sat across the street in my idling car from a cute little brick house with a white picket fence surrounding the yard. I wouldn't believe Jasmine lived here if it wasn't for the quick little social media dive, I had done into her life. A few years ago, she had married a fitness instructor and with her marketing skills, they were building a brand for themselves and doing quite well. They welcomed their first baby only two months ago, a little girl named Nikki. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as I prepared to go knock on the door. I had left Jasmine in a vulnerable state in both of our lives. I had no idea how this reunion would go. With one last glance at myself in the rearview mirror, I opened the door and jogged across the street, knocking on the door quickly before I lost my courage. Brian opened the door, her fitness husband. To my surprise, a look of recognition flashed across his face. "Hi, you're here for Jas," he stated knowingly. I nodded, caught off guard. "Come in," he motioned as he stepped to the side. I walked through the door, taking a look around as I did. The décor was very boho, something I would definitely imagine Jasmine to be living in. I smiled at the pictures hanging around the walls. Her family smiling or laughing in each one. A picture on a bookshelf in a corner caught my attention. I walked over and picked it up, the memory of when it was taken crossing my mind.

"Nikki! Stand still!" Jasmine cried as Nikki was pushing and shoving me with her shoulders as Jasmine and I crowded in on her. "I need space," Nikki replied grumpily as I lobbed my arm over her shoulder to hold her down. "Just smile and it'll be over," I assured her, pinching her cheek for good measure. The camera flashed and Jasmine ran over to the tripod to look at her phone. "Oh my god, you guys suck at taking pictures," I could hear the slight frustration in her voice. I walked over and peeked over her shoulder. Jasmine was smiling at the camera brightly with her arm around Nikki's waist, gorgeous as ever. Nikki was drawn in on herself trying to become smaller. Her shoulders were arched forward, and her arms were bunched into her sides. Her head was facing me with the meanest of glares all over her face. I was smirking as I pinched her cheek, taunting her. "I love it! It's literally perfect for us," I reassured Jasmine, pecking her cheek quickly before running back to Nikki to mess with her some more.

"She loved that picture, you know?" A voice spoke from behind me. I jumped slightly as I sat the picture back down and turned around. I had been too caught up in my memory to hear her approach. "No way," I replied, my nerves back once again. "Yeah, her mom and dad actually let me get it from her room. It's the only thing I have that was hers." I didn't say anything as she moved closer to the bookshelf, pulling a small box out from behind the picture. She opened it up and pulled out a bracelet that had all three of our initials on it. "This is all I have of yours," she said, turning it over in her hand. "When they said you ran away, I wasn't convinced. I thought you might be dead. I took this from your room with your parents' permission." My mouth was dry as I opened it to speak, "Jas..." She shook her head, closing the box and putting it back on the shelf. "Shh, it's okay." She pulled me in for a hug, holding me just as tightly as she had when Nikki had died. "I'm just glad I was wrong," I could hear the tears in her voice, "I'm glad you're not gone too." I hugged her tightly, too. I felt so guilty for making her feel that way. I easily could've told her that I was leaving. I was just so young, and stupid, and selfish. "I'm sorry," I whispered into her shoulder. "I had to go. I couldn't stay," I tried to explain. "I know," she whispered back.

We stayed that way for a few minutes, until we eventually moved to her couch and sat down. Brian brought us some mugs filled with tea but left again to give us time to talk. She had so many questions about why I had left, where I had been, who I was with, how my looks hadn't changed. I explained everything as truthfully as I could without giving her all the information. I told her that Cassie had gone with me and that we had spent most of our time together. That I had been all over the states, searching for myself and trying to learn how to cope with what had happened. "Why'd you come back?" She asked, after a couple of hours of catching up. "I didn't know I was. Not until I got here. Then I ran into Lena," I paused as her face lit up. "What happened? Is she single? I heard she's becoming a doctor." I laughed at her enthusiasm. It was refreshing to be around, though it stung a little to talk about Lena, especially since I came here to escape the thought of her. "I don't know if she's single, she is in med school, and I'm pretty sure she hates me. She actually punched me when she first saw me." She gasped but threw her head back and laughed. "Sounds like her. I always knew she was a fighter." I laughed with her, "You guys didn't stay in touch? You seemed to hit it off back in school." Her eyes darkened slightly as her laughter died off, "No, she kind of stopped talking to everyone after you left. Then, after a month or so, she left town. Travelled the world. I stayed up to date with her through social media, but it was never the same." I looked down at my tea, wishing I hadn't asked.

"Hey, enough hard stuff for now. You still haven't met my daughter and I think I hear Brian waking her up," she stood up and left the room. She returned a few minutes later with the most adorable baby I had ever seen. She was the perfect mix of her parents with her chocolate eyes and light brown hair. I couldn't help but tear up as I held her and whispered, "Hi, Nikki." I spent another hour or so holding their precious baby and getting to know Brian. I told Jas that I would be in town for a while and would be back soon to see them. We hugged again before I walked out of the door.

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