Chapter 10: The Oasis

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"I still don't understand, though," Nikki said as we walked to lunch. It had been another week since I resurfaced from the dead and my annoying best friend would not let go of the fact that she wasn't allowed to see me while I was gone. I groaned, "I've told you a hundred times. I was dying, Nik. My mother was the only one allowed in my room and the rest of my family was allowed in the house. We didn't even have staff there because of the possibility that I might have been contagious." She folded her arms across her chest and stopped in the middle of the hall. I stopped too and turned to look at her with my eyebrows raised. "I'm family too, ya know?" My shoulders sagged at this response with the realization of how hurt she was finally hitting me. I pulled her in for a hug, though she tried to pull away. "Stop resisting," I squeezed her tighter, not letting her go. "This isn't what I wanted," she continued trying to squirm away. After a few minutes, she finally gave in and accepted the fact that I wouldn't let go until I was ready. Her arms hung limply at her sides, but I took this as a sign to continue with what I was originally doing, which was letting her know I'm sorry. "You're right," I began, "you're my sister. If it were up to me, you would've been there by my side that whole week. If I would have died without seeing you one last time, it would have killed me all over again." She snorted at the last part, trying to contain her laughter. "I'm sorry," I said more seriously. Finally, she wrapped her arms around me, reciprocating the hug for the slightest second. Surprised by her response, I eased my hold on her, and she took the opportunity to free herself. "Let's go eat," she walked off ahead of me, but not before I saw the corners of her mouth lifting up.

We got to the lunchroom and joined Lena and Jasmine at our table. Lena gave me a peck on my cheek as I slid into the booth next to her. "What was that for?" I tickled her side, causing her to giggle. "Just cause I can," she smiled and did it again. I rolled my eyes, but tossed my arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. "Who are you texting, Nik?" Jasmine tried to look over her shoulder. Nikki locked her phone quickly and stood up. "You don't know him. He goes to another school," she said frantically before walking up to the food line. The three of us turned to look at each other. "I'll figure it out one way or another," Jasmine said shrugging her shoulders. "She's such a weirdo," I said looking back at her to see her hunched over her phone again. "Hey," Lena said, regaining my attention. "Are you coming to the game tonight?" I smiled at her cuteness, "Of course! I can't miss seeing you in your little cheer outfit." It was her turn to roll her eyes. "For the last time, it's supposed to be sexy, not adorable." I shrugged my shoulders to her, "Sorry babe, you are what you are." I laughed at her pouty face and tossed a French fry in my mouth. Nothing, I sighed internally, reminiscing on the taste I used to love.

Across the room, a couple of football players started shouting and at first, I thought they were excited, until I realized punches were being thrown. Conversation at my table paused for a second before resuming as though the fight in the background wasn't really happening. I ignored it too, until the smell of blood hit my nose. Before I knew what I was doing, I had jumped out of my chair and rushed closer to the fight. Lena hollered out after me, but I didn't stop to respond. This was my body responding, not me. If I had any control, I would go sit back down. Please, I begged myself. Go sit back down. But my feet kept moving forward, quickly. At this point, I not only smelled the blood, but saw it gushing from one of the football players noses. Just like they had a week before, my canines extended further out. I could feel my eyes darkening, the pupil almost completely taking over everything else so that they were almost black. My heart was racing, excitement mixing with fear. The medication my mother had been giving me did a lot to curb my natural appetite, but it still has its limitations. And this whole lunchroom is about to find out what those are.

Right as I reached the scene of the fight, a hand forcefully pushed against my chest. Irritated, I let it stop me in my tracks, but I squared my shoulders, ready to move this hand and the person attached to it out of my way. I kept my head down, hoping to conceal my current state of being for as long as possible. The person brought their head down close to mine and whispered quickly, "Pull yourself together, Artemis. Turn around and walk to the nearest bathroom. Do not stop. Do not talk to anyone. I'm right behind you." I recognized Logan's voice immediately. I would've smelled him first had the blood not been so overpowering. My body shook as I let him guide me to turn around and he gently nudged me to move forward. My feet were like lead shuffling towards the exit. I could feel my friends staring at me. From the corner of my eye, I saw Lena stand and start to walk to us. "Keep moving. I'll take care of her," Logan said from behind me before veering off towards the lunch table. I picked up speed, wanting to get to the bathroom before I broke down and drank from the first person I saw.

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