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A/N: I don't like doing these notes, as they interrupt the story but I had to say, Merry Christmas and thank you all for 10k reads!

If you are liking the story I would love for you to vote on the chapters to help others see it as well.

As a present here is a bonus chapter. Our normal chapter will be posted on Sunday!

Stay safe,



My teeth rip through the first two vamps easy enough. Howls of pain and the taring of flesh are all I can hear. I scan the warring mass, finding the red eyes I seek. If father is right and this creature is born than my beloved is in greater danger than even I can protect her from.

My claws rake across a bloodsucker who got too close, almost as if on autopilot. I have to protect Liv, even if I must abandon the pack.

My mind made up and my focus elsewhere, I carve a path back through the growing bodies littering the ground. I won't have much time but my pack will hold Caine off long enough.

My paws, painted in red, are clean long before I reach the tunnel opening. Pushing my hind legs harder I bolt through the passage, slowing slightly to turn off at the almost hidden arm branching off towards the west.

Breaking out into the crowded trunks of the ancient trees, I kick up little dirt heading to my dirt bike buried beneath the shrubs.

"Don't worry mate, I'm coming." My voice but a whisper as I pull on clothes and kick start the engine.


A two-day run in wolf form is reduced to a three-hour bike ride in the back roads. The track cutting across the hard terrain instead of running around it. I have always been careful to only run the harder path while my father's lackey's were watching me. The old fool. Most of the pack were more loyal to me then they were to him. All except that Beta.

Slipping the keyring from a saddlebag on the bike, I undo the padlocks keeping my baby safe. The darkness inside broken barely by the newly waking sun hinders my view briefly. "Good morning sweetie, how was your rest?" Her heavy breathing alerts me, the foul scent of faeces clouding my senses.

"It's earlier then I had planned, but we leave today. Our new place will be ready by Wednesday, that gives us four days to get there." I grab hold of the bars keeping her safe.

For the first time in a while, I just stop and look at her.

Where was a bed for her to lay on? A bathroom for her needs? Clothes? Food? What sort of mate am I, leaving my beautiful Olivia in these conditions?

Her small frame, huddled in the corner, a smashed plate near her. Human waste lay in a pile on the other side of her small cage. A chain attached to her foot draws my attention. Who has done this to mate? Before I know it, I'm in the cage and I rush to her side, finding the smaller key on the ring and pulling the heavy chain from her soft skin.

Quickly her hand darts out, aiming for the side of my head, a larger shard of ceramic gripped tight in her fist.

With ease, my fingers wrap around her wrist, and I look into her brown eyes... Wait, their green. A fog almost clears from my mine.

"You're not Olivia, bitch." My hand stings as it connects to her cheek. The bastard child of the Bristol's, Yasmin.

Her hair is the same shade Liv's was, her features could almost pass them off as sisters, but those fucking eye's. Their green reminded me of lime. Livy has the most stunning brown eyes.

Taking a few deep breaths, I look down only for my heart to stop. "Oh no, Liv. Livy? OLIVIA!" oh shit what have I done now? My fingers tingle while pushing the dirty locks out of her delicate face. She looks so sweet when she sleeps.

Scooping her into my arms, I make my way outside and behind the building. I only walk for a few minutes before I enter another outhouse. This one I use to store a small sedan. With my beautiful mate buckled into the passenger seat, I check the boot for the prepacked bags. With everything in place, I climb in and head off to our new home.

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