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Heaving, I spit the blood of the mutt out. The last sounds of dying wolves stutter until they have completely faded. The vampire's Mother and Marcus managed to gather after Marcus pulled the stake from her chest, now strolled through the debris of body parts kicking bits out of their way and searching for anything worthy of a reward.

"Search the field, I want that fucker's head found!" I command, not one person disobeys.

I lost sight of Keith, only seconds into the battle. My lust of battle overwhelmed me, and I became reckless.

"Son," My Mothers fingers wrapped around my arm, turning me towards her. "He is not here. I have a few parties searching the surrounding area, but it looks as if he tucked tail and ran."

My foot connected with the pile of flesh next to me and the torso of the wolf bounced off the back of a vampire standing nearby.

"That low life, chicken shit dog. If he touches one hair on my mate's head, I will suck out his insides like I was eating a plate of pasta."

"Now that's an image I never wanted," Marcus jokes. His chuckles cut off when I wrap my fingers around his neck.

"This is a joke to you? The one person I have been waiting for my entire life, the one person who can bare my children, the one person I would gladly die for was taken, by a mutt, and you think this is a joke? She is your mother, much as I am your father, and the life granted to you by my hands can also be taken away again." I squeeze his throat tighter, a little more and I could rip off his head.

I hold him there a moment longer, and I have to give it to him, not once has he struggled to get out of my grip or even tried to pry my fingers from him.

Releasing a sigh, I let Marcus go. "Shit Caine, that hurt a little." He gently rubs his neck before mumbling to himself about a joke while he walks away.

"Mum, what am I going to do now?" I question, feeling exhausted.

"Well my boy, we will regroup and come up with a new plan. We have the elders, the women and the young trapped in the main hall. How about we start with that?" Mother slides her arm around mine, guiding me towards the large structure.


The hall was filled with hushed whispers. Children whimpering and babies crying had a headache pulsing against my skull. The children were huddled together in the centre with the older kids surrounding them. The women then circled the young with the elderly closest to the vampires holding them hostage.

If we attacked now, yes, they would all be wiped out, but a fight would be had.

I didn't want to harm them, but I want my mate back. No doubt they would not know their Alpha is dead. And that the Alpha's son, who ran from his pack, the whole reason they are now at my mercy, is the likely suspect.

Heaving a sigh, I stepped forward. "Relax." My command affecting my army and some of the young ones. I wait for the movement to stop before speaking. "I am Caine, son of Diana, Mother of the moon. I'm sure you have been taught about her. Your Alpha is dead, but not by our hands. His remains were found in an office in the packhouse."

Cries and murmurs broke through the wolves only dying down when I start to talk again. "I can only guess as to what happened to Eaton. But I believe Keith, son of your alpha is responsible, just as he is responsible for taking my mate."

I begin pacing in front of the group, "Going forward, you have two options. Die right here right now, or, tell me where to find Keith and join the pack my mate is from. The Bristol Pack."

The hall was silent for only a moment before yelling and cursing could be heard coming from outside. Marcus dragged in a male, beaten and bloodied, followed closely by a small woman and two small children. The taller of the two had his fist closed tight, and his eyes darted around, taking in his enemy. He was brave, for a boy of what looked like eight.

"Caine, I found this lot trying to get into some tunnels. I sent a few others down them to see if there was any sign of Keith."

Stepping up to the man, now on his knees, the women holding the smallest child in her arms let a small whimper escape. "Your name wolf?" I question.

The mutt just spits a mouthful of blood at my feet, staring me in the eye.

"Do you really want to die for an Alpha mutt who took off only seconds into the battle?"

Still, he remained silent. Ah, I hate doing things this way. Quicker than anyone could see, I grabbed the older child by the front of his shirt, spinning him, so he was facing the man who is so clearly his father.

"No," the small women cried out, stepping forward slightly. "Please, we do not know. We were loyal to Alpha Eaton, but no loyalty has been pleaded to his son. He will tell you just . . . please . . . give me my child."

My eyes remained focused on the man while his mate begged. Her cries are more effective than any beating would have been.

"I'm . . . was the beta, John Michael. Alpha Eaton has been watching his son closely for the last twelve months since . . . Well, Keith brought a plot of land outside our territory a few months back. To the west, about two days run from the end of the tunnels. I believe that is where he will be hiding."

I stared at the man for a moment longer. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not, but I was distracted when his eye went wide, a cry leaving his mouth, "Chuck, NO!"

Confused, my eyes darted to the women behind him. Her small hand still forcing the child on her hip to bury it's face in her neck, her other hand now coming up to cover the look of terror crossing her face.

That's when I felt it, a tingling across my arm and the strong scent of fresh blood close by. Looking down, red-coated my limb before dripping to the ground and pooling at my feet. Again, the tingles rippled across my flesh, this time on my upper thighs.

The small boy, who I guess is Chuck, had his claws extended and was shredding anything he could reach. No real damage could be done to me, and I admire his nerve. Shifting the kid so he now faced me, I could see the determination on his little face. He was going to do whatever he could to stop me from using him against his family.

"You've got guts kid. I'll give you that," I spoke with a smile stretching my face for the first time since Yasmin had been taken. "Come and find me when you grow up. I could use someone like you to protect my pups when I find my mate."

With that, I release him to a relieved looking mother and a thankful father.

I turn back to the others held captive. "My offer still stands. Those of you who would like to join the Bristol pack their Alpha will be here soon enough. Gather anything you wish to take with you and return to this hall in fifteen minutes. Any who try to escape or wish to take the first option, please raise your hand now as I wish to be done here so I may retrieve my mate."

Silence rang loud, no one dared move. All eyes had shifted from me to the Beta couple, waiting for the order on what to do. Shuffling noises and grunts of effort from beside me broke the still air. "Gather anything you will need and only what you can carry. Keith has done great dishonour to our pack by killing his father and by taking another's mate. The Bristol pack will be our new home."

With that said, noise escalated inside the hall as almost half the people left in a hurry to collect items of need. The children and pregnant stayed behind.


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