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My feet were killing me and I was sure I had been running for almost an hour. Dragging in hard breaths, I leaned against a tree just out of sight of the road.

The only sounds that could be heard were my hard and heavy breaths as I tried to regain control and the song of the night time creatures in the surrounding woods.

My mind wandered back to what had happened.

Those people claimed to be my parents. Then why didn't I feel anything for them once I knew? The women did look a little like me but I still had no clue if they were my parents. They could be anyone.

I only trusted one person.


Even just thinking his name gave me a thrill. I rubbed at my arms, just knowing I will have ugly bruises where his grip was too tight.

The things they were saying made me feel as if I was the only sane one. Wolf. Did I look like a wolf or any kind of dog? And then there was the human comment. Only wacked in the head people would claim to not be human.

Sighing, my head fell back and I closed my eyes. My breathing was now under control and the adrenalin was leaving my body. A cold shiver left goosebumps across my skin.

Figuring I had wasted enough time recouping, I opened my eyes.

Screaming as loud as I can, my hand lashed out to hit the thing in front of my face.

His warm fingers wrapped around my wrist as his mouth found mine.

Caine. I would know his taste anywhere.

Our tongues caressed each other's, and my body wrapped around his. My nipples now painfully hard, rubbed against his shirt. My fingers tangled in his hair pulling him closer.

Breaking the kiss, Caine moved down my neck placing soft kisses along the length.

"How did you find me?" My voice sounded husky from the onslaught of need aching in my pussy.

His fingers slowly pulled the dress to the side exposing my chest. I moaned as his mouth sucked at my nipple, his teeth dragging across the surface. His skillful tongue moved to the other side.

His hands gripped tight on my ass, pulling me closer. The dress restricted him from spreading my legs until I heard him ripping the fabric.

My eyes dropped to between us when the night air caressed me. The dress was ruined. Caine had ripped it from my body, the thin material of my panties the only thing left untouched.

Caine wedged his hard thigh between my legs, pulling my aching core up roughly making me gasps. My hips moved back and forth, the need inside tightening. His hand fisting in my hair - pulling forcefully - so my eyes were staring in his.

My hips moved faster. The pleasure building until it was almost painful.

"You are mine, Yasmin. My Alma Gemela. You, a werewolf and me, a vampire." His deep voice filled with lust had me panting and unable to focus on his words.

I cried out as his teeth grazed my throat once more. His lips feathered against my flesh as he whispered, "Let go baby. I want to feel your hot little cunt come undone without my cock even touching you."

Blinding pleasure pulsed below. Wetness soaked my panties as a sharp sting pierced my neck. Caine's groan had me shuttering against him. The grip I had on his hair loosened as my limps became heavy from the orgasm. Caine continued to suck at my neck. The sound of him swallowing left an uneasy feeling in me. My eyes started to feel heavy and Caine's grip on me tightened as his arms wrapped around my body.

"Caine," was all I could manage to croak out before a dark heavy cloud blanketed my senses.


Her blood tasted amazing. With her release, the sweetness of the blood is intoxicating. I could feel her body starting to relax so I shifted my arms, wrapping them around her small frame holding her close to me.

"Caine." Her voice sounded harsh and her body became a dead weight.

I retracted my fangs, licking the spilled blood from the bite. I rested my head against her shoulder for a moment, attempting to ignore the urge to pound my dick into her pussy. Her wetness had soaked my pant leg and the smell was enough to make me crazy with need.

It dawned on me she still hadn't moved. I pulled back, a smirk on my face at how easy she had given into me only for the feeling of bliss to be replaced with worry.

"Yas? Baby?" My fingers stroked her cheek only to notice how pale she had become. "SHIT."

I scooped her up into my arms, using my speed I raced back to the jet. I was met by the three crew members who began to prepare the plane.

Laying her gently on the bed, I stepped away just staring at her limp naked form.

"FUCK!" my hand pulled at my hair. I never lose control. I hadn't even known I had drunk that much.

A knock at the door sounded before it was opened. The co-pilot walked into the room eyes landing on Yasmin and staying there.

A feral hiss pulled from my chest; I quickly made my way over to Yasmin pulling the blankets over her. "Never look at her again or I will kill you."

His eyes were now on the floor. "Sorry, Sir. We will be leaving in just a few minutes and the flight should only be just over two hours before we land."

His eyes flicked up to me waiting for a response. Not getting one he quickly left the room closing the door behind him. I lay down next to Yasmin, pulling her into my arms. I had to wait until I got home. I didn't want to risk giving her my blood considering how much I drained. Who knows what that would do to her?

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