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Mary had returned and we spent the next hour talking and laughing as she showed me the house.

Countless bedrooms adorned the top floor including the mysterious Master Caine. Downstairs boasted a grand library which made my heart ache and my fingers twitch. We had lingered in the library long enough for the smell of ink and worn leather to soak into my skin. Downstairs also held a few rooms, but I was told they would all be locked as they were to do with Master Caine's business and he was very particular about keeping his paperwork in order. A sitting room was towards the back with a large stone fireplace taking center stage.

The place was beautiful but something was missing from the rooms and as we made our way out the back and through the gardens, I had suddenly worked out what was missing.

"Mary," I called as my pace slowed to a stop. "Why is there no electronics in any of the rooms?"

Now that I had thought about it, the only technology I had seen in the whole house was in the kitchen and the lighting throughout the household.

With a smile Mary made her way back to me, wrapping her arm in mine, before continuing along the pathway. "Master Caine dislikes any sort of communication device. He uses them all day while working and doesn't want the annoyance of any in the environment where he relaxes."

It did make sense and I guess I didn't mind. I couldn't remember if I had anyone to call or what their number would be, so I let the topic fade away.

"Here we are." Mary's voice drew my attention to a large glass building. Inside was an overly large swimming pool.

Stepping forward and pushing open the door, my eyes absorbed the room. The pool itself was as wide as it was long. One end shrouded in plant life, only giving way to a cascading waterfall.

Ladders were built-in evenly around the edges, allowing ease of access in and out.

Day beds and other sitting fixtures littered the surroundings. The room itself seemed warmer inside than it had as we walked in the garden.

Forgetting she was behind me, Mary's voice made me jump a little as she spoke. "The pool room is kept at a steady temperature all year round. The roof and walls are a special design to repel any weather changes outside. Behind the waterfall is a bathroom. Towels and swimmers have been stocked in the cupboards next to the sink. Just make your way through the two hedges on the left and you will find it. There is also a small kitchen off to the right of the waterfall, it has also been stocked."

"Oh my gosh, Mary. This is stunning." Stunning was the wrong word but I was taken back by how breathtaking it was that my brain had stopped working.

"That is why I left it until last. I thought you would like to swim this afternoon, well evening I guess." With that said, she patted my arm before heading out the door and disappearing back into the garden.

With a small squeal, I made my way to the hidden bathroom where I found the swimmers and a towel and headed back to the edge of the pool.

The towel was now hanging on the back of a chair and my toes were immersed in the warm water sending a shiver through my body.

Not giving it another thought, I jumped into the water, wrapping my arms around my knees as I pulled them against my chest. As I surfaced, the water was still bobbing up and down from my bomb drive.

My hands glided through the water as I began swimming towards the waterfall. The water was perfect. I pushed off from the wall of the pool, taking a deep breath before my head went under the water. I attempted to swim to the other end while holding my breath, only to be gasping for air halfway to the other side.

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