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I wanted to say thankyou to everyone who has read this story so far.

You're awesome!

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T. xx

Yasmin POV

The soft fleece from the towel warmed my bare skin as I shifted under the weight of Master Caine's gaze.

We had been sitting quietly in the chairs beside the pool for a few minutes now. After retrieving his towel which was now safely wrapped around his waist, Caine had helped me wrap a towel around myself before getting some water from the kitchen on the other side of the waterfall.

Unsure what to say, I sipped from the open bottle of water, images of hard flesh dancing behind my eyelids as they close briefly.

I could feel myself become slick between my thighs, shifting once more, pulling my thighs closer together.

Deciding someone had to say something I wrapped my arms around my body after placing the bottle of water back on the table. My eyes now staring into his, I managed to finally speak.

"Um, I just wanted to say thank you." His face held no reaction other than the slight lift of his eyebrows. "You know, for saving me just now and I guess the other night."

Feeling a little uncomfortable just staring at him, my eyes darted around the room before focusing on my lap.

"Do you remember what happened the other night?"

His voice was like silk, caressing my body, sending a shiver down my spine.

Shaking my head, I risked looking at him once more. "No, but I must have hit my head because I'm not able to remember much. I mean I know my first name and how to do all the basic things like swim or getting dressed, but I'm not sure who I am or was, my family if I had any or whatnot."

I shrugged my shoulders once I finished unable to be upset or scared about not knowing. I knew it was strange but I can't be upset over what I have lost if I don't remember what's missing.

"That's ok Yasmin, you are more than welcome to stay here as long as you want. The room you woke in is now yours and I take it Mary has spoken to you about going into my rooms."

I just nodded my head, happy that he was kind enough to let me stay. I watched as his tall frame stood, his muscles stretching and tightening in front of my face.

I could feel my mouth going dry as I licked my lips to help moisture to seep back into them. My eyes traveled his toned body until I heard a soft chuckle breaking my concentration.

What was wrong with me. I was unable to keep my eyes off him. Surely, I had seen a half-naked man before. My forehead bunched together as I tried to think of how old I actually was.

Nothing, there was nothing.

A warm hand touched my arm jolting me out of my thoughts. "Hey, are you okay?"

Reaching automatically for his hand, I wrapped my fingers around his. It felt right to have his hand in mine. "I'm just thinking. I might head back inside now if you don't mind."

Without removing his hand from mine, Caine gave me a small smile, leading me back to the house.

Warmth radiated from his skin, heating my flesh and the air around us as we walked. My eyes kept straying towards him as he walked half-a-step in front of me. Small beads of water clung to his skin, the urge to taste the drops as they rolled down his thick arms almost irresistible.

Pulling me to a stop just outside the back door, Caine removed his hand from mine, causing me to frown a little at the feeling of loss that came with it.

My attention now on my bare feet, I hadn't seen him lift his hand until strong rough fingers brushed against my cheek. "I will be in later; I will just finish my swim. Mary left you some dinner in the oven if you're hungry." Without another word he had turned, making his way back to the pool house.

"Master Caine, thank you, I really mean it." At his name, he had stopped walking but hadn't turned around.

"Caine, please call me Caine." His voice echoed in the night as he disappeared from my view.

"Caine," His name whispered from my lips leaving a smile in its wake.

I had made it to the kitchen with little trouble and finished all the food on the plate.

Feeling it was too early to head to bed, I went in search of the library.

My fingers dragged along the spines on the shelf, stopping occasionally to pull a book down and read the blurb. After a little walk around the large room, I decided on an old favorite, Anne of Green Gables. Pulling my legs underneath me on the oversized sofa, I smiled at the cover remembering when I received a worn copy from a lady at the book fair. I only had $1 remaining but I desperately wanted the book. Taking pity on me the lady let me buy it for just a dollar.

Curling my small frame into one of the soft armchairs, I cracked the first pages losing myself within the land of Avonlea.

The feeling of weightlessness jolted me awake for a moment before I was rested snug against a hard warmth that smelt of grass and perspiration. The smell was intoxicating.

"Umm, smells good." I heard myself mumble, my hand rubbing in small circles along the firm bedding.

"I could say the same about you, Yasmin." A deep chuckle had my hand freezing mid rub.

My breath stilled as I locked down my muscles. I could feel the slight jolting as he began the journey up the stairs.

Carefully opening my eye's, a little so I could peek, I gasped out my held breath and tried to wriggle free of Caine's arms hyper-aware of how my hard nipples rubbed harshly against his bare chest.

"You keep moving around like that and we will be heading to my room instead of yours."

A blush heated my cheeks as I awkwardly wrapped my arms around his neck trying to readjust myself so I wasn't pressed so tight against him.

"Please, I can walk. You should have just woken me. I don't want to be a burden."

His fierce gaze locked with mine. I wanted to look away from the hard stare but found it was impossible.

My breathing grew heavy as my wetness dampened my underwear. A pulsing grew at the apex of my mound, begging to be touched.

Slowly, without breaking eye contact Caine lowered my feet to the ground, one arm firmly wrapped around my back.

My weakened legs only just held my body up, almost as if they didn't want to perform the act they were meant for.

Caine brushed his fingers lightly across the soft skin of my cheek, feather-light, only stopping when they reached my parted lips.

"So beautiful." His body leaned towards mine, my hands automatically reaching to hold onto his sides.

With only millimeters between our lips, his head moved to the side lightly sweeping his lush lips across my temple.

"Sweet dreams, Yasmin."

I was paralyzed. My mind refused to work and my body was wound so tight I didn't know if I should laugh at how crazy I must be to want a man I don't know to do as he wishes with me, or cry at the pent-up frustration now causing through my body.

Watching his body disappear behind a door down the corridor, I let out a sigh before turning in for the night.

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