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"Fuck!" I couldn't watch her go through it again.

Her body began to tense, arms, and legs becoming stiff only after an hour rest. The first snap made me flinch. How many times would she change? Her body can't handle this.

"Ah! FUCK, what have I done?" I dragged my fingers through my hair. No doubt it was an unruly mess.

I had smelt the change in her when I woke yesterday so why didn't I realize what it meant. Had I not touched her this wouldn't have happened.

I could still feel the way her mouth covered the length of my penis. The way her tongue licked over the tip.

Adjusting myself to ease the pressure on my growing member, I sat once more beside Yasmin. Stroking her hair from her face, my mark visible on her neck just like her mark which remained on mine. The snapping of her bones increased in speed with every shift, this time only lasting a few minutes at best.

Mary's light steps entered the room but I couldn't take my eyes from the beautiful form of Yasmin's wolf. Her coat was a scattering of colour. Dark browns won the most coverage with lighter shades of caramel and highlighted with a deep russet colour. She was perfect.

"Sir, Fredrick has called once again for you. He has said it is urgent." Her tone was gentle but scolding. I knew I couldn't keep ignoring his calls but what did the magician want from me?

Sighing loudly, I held my hand out for the waiting phone.

Bringing it to my ear, I practically growled into the mouthpiece. "What do you want magic man?"

"Well now, did someone get out of the wrong side of the coffin tonight?"

"I am not in the mood for this Fredrick. Tell me why you called so I can hang up." I breathed out into the phone. I had no energy in me to pretend to be pissed.

"As you know I am completely neutral ground where you supes come into play. So, if I were to hear that mummy and daddy are planning to retake their daughter and force a mate onto her, then I wouldn't be able to tell you. But if for some reason you heard about what was happening while I was on the phone to someone, then I wasn't breaking the rules and siding with one race." Fredrick spoke so fast I almost struggled to keep up.

I shot up straight in my chair. If what he was saying is true, then this would start a war.

Yasmin's body shifted back to human form easier than the first seven times before. I covered her body with a sheet, my lips caressing her forehead. "Mary please stay with her until I return."

Her reply of 'Yes Sir' was quiet as I had already walked from the room. Taking a deep breath, I held the phone to my ear once more. "When was this overheard?"

"Yesterday after you left the party. I suspect plans have already been made and are underway." His voice was calm considering he was breaking the council's code of interfering between supernatural groups.

The council was only supposed to step in if we were on neutral grounds or put before the council themselves.

I was now standing in the kitchen, my fist slammed into the door of the fridge leaving a fist-shaped crater in the metal.

"WHY THE FUCK IM I ONLY HEARING THIS NOW?" I roared into the phone.

Fredrick's voice turned cold on the other end. "You are not owed the knowledge, Caine. I am only allowing you the courtesy because I know she is your mate. Now do as you will with this information but leave my involvement out of it."

Before I could say anymore, the line went dead.

"SHIT!" I yelled slamming my phone down on the counter.

They had a full day and a half ahead of me. I had to get Yasmin somewhere safe and without much time to plan, only one name could I think of.

Looking at my phone I knew I had to call her but I didn't want to. I had gone at least a century without speaking to her and I knew how smug she would be that I called her after I told her I didn't need her anymore.

If I had more time, I could make plans to take her away from this area and out of Bristol's pack's range.

But I was out of time. They could be almost here if not already.

This was my only choice.

She was my only choice.

Taking a deep breath, I picked my phone back up dialing a number not even on my phone.

It only rang twice before her sickly-sweet voice filled my ear.

"I thought you didn't need me any more Caine. Well, I guess I was right. Like always."

Clearing my throat, still contemplating if I could still do this on my own. With a final sigh, I spoke.

"Hi Mum, I need your help."

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