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With the plans made, I made my way to the basement, stopping at the spot I caught Yasmin snooping around.

A smile pulled at my lips as reached my hand up the wall, pulling the hidden lever allowing me to continue down to the holding cells.

Low snores could be heard from the three prisoners caged below.

I had to feed before mother got here and I wanted to be back with my Alma Gemela. The door to the chamber slid shut behind me cutting off any noise getting out or in.

Stopping at the first cell, a young female lay asleep. Even though they are prisoners here, they were kept in comfort. I needed a fresh blood supply and this was better living conditions than what they had before I pulled them off the streets. The night I came across Yasmin I had been out in search of a new feeder to ease the amount of time I drew from these three.

But because of this new threat, they could no longer stay here.

Typing the code on the keypad, I unlocked the cell door. Walking in I sat beside the girl named Tasha.

Her eyes slowly blinked open and she quickly sat up. "Master Caine, sorry I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

"Shhh, it's okay Tasha. Come I am hungry."

I waited until she crawled over to my side, holding her wrist out for me to take.

Without hesitation, my fangs sunk into her flesh. Her warm blood filled my mouth. As she grew weaker, I became stronger. I watched as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body laid down against the pillow. Pulling back, I could hear her decreased heart rate and without waiting for a second longer I reached over, snapping her neck.

Unaffected I moved to the next cell where a young man named Paul was listening to music through his headphones. When he noticed me entering his cell, he removed the headphones.

"Master Caine? I didn't realize it was my turn already. I have yet to bathe today, please wait a few moments while I wash my skin." He stood as he spoke making his way to the small sink in the cell.

The water sprayed into the bowl as he finished talking. Not wasting time, I wrapped a hand around his torso pulling him into me while my other hand pulled his head to the side. My fangs suck into his neck with ease. I was able to bite deeper than with Tasha, draining him faster. Quicker than normal, I drained his body, leaving it to slump to the floor.

His body hadn't yet recovered from the feed yesterday.

The third cell held Marcus. A six-foot solid male with dark curly hair who was currently backed into a corner of the room, his eyes focused on me and a butter knife held tightly in his hand.

"Marcus, what are you doing?" I didn't have time for this crap. I needed to be upstairs preparing Yasmin for our departure.

"I'm not stupid Caine!" his voice echoed in the otherwise quiet area. "I don't plan on leaving this room in a body bag. I heard the snap of Tasha's neck and the thump of you dumping Paul's body. I won't be next."

I have always liked Marcus. Weirdly we were sort of friends. He has been here the longest and was by far the oldest of my feeders edging late 20's but right now he was pissing me off. Keeping my face stoic, I stepped into the cell.

"You don't stand a chance against me, though do you, Marcus? I could snap your neck in a second and you would never know." A low growl came out with my words.

"And yet you haven't. You for some reason need a lot of blood, which means you have to drain me first. All I am asking is that once you drain me, you feed me." His hand held the knife steady, his eyes trained on me and his voice not wavering once. "Turn me, Caine. When I wake tomorrow, I can be of help."

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