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Three hours.

Three hours of men with too much testosterone in one room, yelling across a table at each other. This is why I would never want the Alpha title. Too much power or even the chance of having that power turns mankind against each other.

"I will say it one last time. The alpha position is decided by a death match." The overly hairy man with a tiny face yelled, spit flying over the table.

Timothy was his name. I always hated that name.

With a heavy sigh, I leaned forward on my elbows rubbing at my temples trying to defuse the oncoming headache from getting any worse.

My eyes scanned the eighteen men in the room once more. I wished Caine was here with me, but he had to feed, and to do that he had to leave pack lands.

An older man hiding more towards the back of the room and not actually at the table caught my eyes. He hadn't once spoken since he entered the room, yet I few times I noticed him shake his head when one of the power-hungry males would say something totally out of the question.

"At least we are all in an agreement a male should be Alpha." Simon, the third in command chuckled out. A low rumble of laughter rang out amongst the room. Yet one man seemed to disagree.

"I have heard enough," I spoke, a few sideway glances were thrown my way before they continued to talk acting as if they didn't hear me.

I pushed to my feet, the chair scraping loud before toppling over backward with my sudden movement. "I SAID ENOUGH!" My hand slapped the table with force as a rich deep tone escaped with my words. Reluctantly the men all bent their heads to me in submission. Only the one in the back had a small smirk on his face. I was starting to like that dude.

"Three hours I have had to sit here and listen to this nonsense. What makes you think that any of you are more worthy to be Alpha of this pack than a woman. From what I have noticed of the men in this room only one of you even seems to be acceptable enough to take on this role." I drew in a sharp breath while glaring at each of the pigheaded males who believe themselves better because of a chunk of flesh between their legs.

My eyes locked onto the male standing at the back of the room. "What's your name, Sir?" I questioned.

He didn't answer immediately, a little taken back from my question. Standing a little straighter, his rich masculine voice filled the waiting silence, "My name is Tyson, Alpha. Most just call me Beast." Tyson offered me a half bow before standing straight once more.

"Why haven't you offered an opinion at all?" I demanded of him.

He looked a bit confused, his eyes dancing around at the other men in the room. "I am head guard Alpha. I'm only here to break up any fights and to keep you safe."

"Yasmin, he has no say in this matter. This is to be discussed only by the pack council." The same hairy man from earlier talked. Disrespect in every word.

My wolf side was already on edge, and the clear disrespect just shown by not using our title tipped her over the edge. Before anyone had a chance to move, I had lunged across the table, claws extended and tightly wrapped them around his neck. My foot kicked out the back of his knees dropping him to the ground. "You will show me the same respect you showed the previous Alpha. That goes for the rest of you too." I could feel my canines extending and my vision sharpening as I glared at each of the men.

One by one they all dropped to a knee, heads bowed in submission.

Then the idiot in my grip had to open his mouth. "You are not my true Alpha. Your father was right to sell you off."

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