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Two days.

I can remember every second of every shift my body went through. My flesh burnt. My bones growing until they snapped. My skin repeatedly being torn from my muscle only to regrow as my bone reformed again.

The pain didn't lessen with each shift, but my mind became numb to it. My last shift was nothing. I couldn't feel my flesh tear apart as the bones and muscles changed my form into that of a wolf.

It helped that the people who had lied to me my entire life were there. It gave me something to focus on. The need to kill them and protect Mary overrode everything else, but my body was exhausted and I failed. Sweet, lovable Mary.

I lifted my wrist, bound by a cable tie, to my face to wipe away stray tears. A smile crept onto my face for a second before I schooled my features once more.

He was coming. I could feel how close he was and when he got here, together we will seek our revenge.

The soft shuffle of my mother's feet drew near. Her lean body hunched over herself, almost as if she needed protection.

More lies. She was a good actress, almost had me fooled too. But I was better.

"Mummy?" It came out a whimper but not because I was scared. No, but because it had to. The word made me sick to my stomach but I needed something very important from her.

"Yes baby, I'm here." The sound of her voice made me want to rip my ears off. "How are you doing?"

What the fuck sort of question is that? How do you think I'm doing? I'm cuffed at the hands and feet with a hard plastic done up tight enough it is cutting into my skin. I have a silver collar padlocked around my neck. I am sitting on a cold concrete floor, held hostage by my parents, who decided to rip me away from my mate. So how the fuck does she expect me to be doing?

My body began to shake, the need to shift pulling hard but the ability kept at bay. "Mama, I'm cold. Can I have my favorite shoes?"

With a small smile, she nodded her head. "I'll be back in a minute sweety."

It only took a few minutes for her to return with my runners. "I also grabbed your favorite pair of socks Yas." My mother held the socks up for me to see as a guard unlocked the gated room I was locked into.

Yes, because a pair of socks will make up for what you have done. Faking a smile, I swallowed the torrent of words I wanted to say. "Thanks."

Mother bent down dusting the bottom of my feet off before sliding on the socks and shoes, her mouth going the whole time.

"Yas, I know this must be hard to understand but it was kept from you for a reason. You are to marry and mate Keith Ruby tomorrow. He is such a handsome young man and he will one day be Alpha to one of the largest packs in America. Not as large as ours but still. Everything has been pushed forward because you ran away and that vamp got his hands on you. But don't worry, Alpha Ruby still insisted on you marrying his son. Even if you are ruined."

It was so hard for me not to kick my feet out, wrap my legs around her head, and snap her neck. Lucky for her at the last comment she stood and moved back from me, only stopping once the gate was shut.

"Once you two are married, Keith will take you either willingly or by force and you will bear his family and ours a pup. After that, he is free to do with you as he likes. This is the deal that was created. Two pups, one for each pack." With a last look towards me, she released a sigh than left.

Did she even care? Or was I just a way for them to better their pack?

My body started to tingle, alerting me to Caine. He was close. Very close.

The guard had left with my mother. They never stayed to watch over me. But they forgot I was mated to a vampire, and not just any vampire.

Reaching for my shoelace I quickly removed one from my runner. Moving as fast as I could, I placed one end between my teeth and fed the other end between the cable tie around my ankles before holding it tight in my fingers.

Backward and forward, the lace moved with speed against the plastic tie snapping it within minutes. Next, I held the lace between my shoes, forcing it through the small gap against the skin, and my teeth, repeating the same action until the cable around my wrist snapped.

Not stopping to rub my hurt wrist I reached behind my head feeling the lock at my neck. SHIT!

No way would that be coming off.

Loud howling tore the air in half. He was here.

I could hear the fighting, hear footsteps running just outside the room. Screams and cries of pain were like music to my ears. I few times, loud bangs could be felt against the outside wall I was against. Wanting to be ready for when Caine got to me, I stood, flexing my arms and legs to rid them of and lethargy. But my body tensed when two guards came into the room, standing in front of the gate holding me captive. The cage was built to hold shifted wolves and other supernatural beings. My father had boasted to me once he threw me inside.

One of the men eyed me but didn't say anything. No doubt wondering how I was out of my restraints. Looking down quickly I made quick work of threading my lace back into my shoe. If I couldn't shift because of the collar then I will be needing these shoes to run and fight.

The loose fitted shirt and elastic waisted short I was dressed it would have to do. Not that I had a choice.

"Looks like they captured the vamp. Might as well sit back down breeder, no one will be coming for you today."

Wait. No how could they capture Caine? He is the strongest vampire living. I know who he is, I have lived his life, felt his pain, his strength. Nothing and no one can stop Caine.

Taking a step closer to the gate, I waited. Somehow, I knew it was time.

The door was ripped from the wall and the two wolves on guard duty hit the floor, throats ripped out before I even locked eyes on him. My smile fell from my face when I didn't recognize the male in front of me.

Eyes still locked on me, he went into a deep bow. One arm tucked against his stomach, the other stretched to the side waving around wildly. "My lady, your knight in shining amour request your presents in the yard."

I could feel the weird look on my face that I was giving this strange man. Not sure what to say I still opened my mouth, "Ah, okay?"

Giving the gate one quick look, the strange man ripped it clean off. Well so much for keeping supes in. "Quickly Miss Yasmin, Master Caine is waiting for you."

Taking a step closer, I pointed to the collar. "Do you think you could help me with this, ah?" I still didn't know his name or who he was.

"Of course, Miss." He stated, walking behind meand snapping the lock off the collar before removing it altogether. "The namesMarcus."

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