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After feeding my growling tummy, I made my way to the library. Curling myself onto one of the chairs hidden in the back, I lost myself in Jane Eyre.

My focus was ripped from the pages when the sound of yelling filled the hall. Closing the book, I quietly made my way towards the noise.

"No! I will not keep my voice down Caine. Tell me where you have been?" The shrilled voice of a woman pierced my ears making me wince.

"I have told you already Sarah, something came up. I would have contacted you once it was sorted." Caine's husky voice that normally sent shivers down my spine now chilled deep into my bones as it came out almost aggressive.

Hiding behind the corner, I peeked out slightly to see what was happening. Caine's large hand was wrapped tightly around the upper arm of a slim blonde. Her blue eyes glared at his hand a moment before she pulled it free.

"What? What was more important than meeting up with me at the palace? You made me look a fool." With a flick of her short hair, Sarah turned away from Caine. No longer able to see her face, Yasmin's looked over Caine. He must have been out in the pool. His chest was bare, showing off his perfectly sculpted body. Swim shorts dripped water on the clean floors, leaving a puddled where he stood.

Caine almost looked amused at her display of a temper, a small smile replacing the scowl he was wearing a minute ago.

I watched as Caine spun Sarah to face him, grabbing a fist full of her cropped hair. Without saying anything he pulled her head back harshly locking his lips with hers.

My feet refused to move from the spot. My body stood frozen as he ripped the tight dress, she had been wearing, from her body in one movement. Sarah's legs wrapped around Caine's waist as he made his way upstairs, not once removing his lips from hers.

Breaking from the trance I returned to the library. My head was still spinning from what I just watched. Who was Sarah? Why, if he already has a girlfriend was Caine flirting with me?

I know I wasn't too experienced or anything but I had dated before. I knew when a guy was flirting with me. But then who was this chick?

I chewed on my lip while I paced back and forth in front of the chair I had been sitting at earlier.

I replayed the way he pulled her head back with force before taking her lips without her permission. Heat pooled at my core as I pictured his rough hands tangled in my hair, pulling just hard enough to cause slight pain before crashing his soft lips against mine.

Moaning as the heat took over my body, I found my hands once more gliding over my body. I needed to cool down. Fast.

Making my way to the pool area my fingers wrapped around the door handle before pulling it open. Cool air greeted me sending a shiver over my body. I made my way to the back getting a new swim set from the draws to the bathroom and diving into the cooling water.

I swam up and down the pool, losing count of my laps as I replayed the scene from earlier in my head. Caine was no doubt the hottest male specimen I had seen. Toby, the last guy my mum had set me up with was hot but placed next to Caine he didn't even come close to being called good looking.

My arms propelled me forward a few more strokes before I latched onto the edge of the pool.

Taking in a sharp breath I pulled myself out of the pool and ran towards the house. My bare feet slapped across the cold surface of the house as I raced towards the stairs that would take me towards the rooms. My fingers curled around the banister as I took the stairs two at a time. My eyes fixed on the door opposite mine, I pushed my legs a little further. Taking a deep breath, I banged on Caine's bedroom door.

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