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I caught myself staring at Keith again as he cooking dinner. His blond hair still damp from the shower, dripped down his bareback. My eyes followed the droplet along the curve of his spine until it reaches the elastic waist of his sweats.

Disgusted at my thoughts, I turned my attention to the window. A storm had set in at whatever barrier was place around this cottage, did nothing to keep the howling winds at bay.

I had been here for just over a week. Keith was a different person since the contacts had arrived. He was sweet and attentive. I can see what drew Olivia in. The hate in my body for him was slowly turning to pity. How would I react if Caine was taken from me? If I met his doppelganger would I be able to resist him?

I rubbed at my neck; my raw skin had started to bleed slightly. If he didn't remove it soon, I would need to find a new way to get it off.

"Livy? Sweetheart, are you okay?" My eyes darted back to Keith as he laid down the serving spoon.

Carrying over two bowls of pasta with parmesan cheese on top, he placed them on the table before sitting next to me, our legs barely touching.

"Oh, yes I'm fine. My neck is a bit sore but I can handle it." I reached for my bowl only to freeze when Keith's hand rested on my thigh. I tensed for a fraction of a second, only to force myself to relax. I needed him to trust me.

"Look at me baby," I look up at his command. "Please, tell me what's wrong."

His hand cups my cheek, and for a moment I just close my eyes, pretending it's Caine. Wishing it was Caine.

A low rumble in Keith's chest telling me how much he liked my submission brought me back.

His wasn't Caine. He will never be Caine.

What is wrong with me?

Clearing my throat, I move back a little pulling my hair back from the collar so he can see. "It's just, this is starting to really hurt me."

A shocked gasp escapes Keith. His thick fingers run along the edge of the collar. "Why didn't you say anything sooner. Damn it, Olivia! If something is hurting you just say so."

I could see the anger building up in him, and I knew I had to distract him. My small hands covered his as he pulled at the collar, looking under it. When he didn't react, I pulled slightly at his hands.

"Keith, Keith," I called, but still he just rubbed his fingers along the rough skin of my neck causing me to flinch.

With a deep breath, I drop my hands from his, instead laying them flat against his bare chest.

This is the first time I have willingly touched any part of his bare flesh, other then his hands and the reaction was instant.

His body froze, hands gripping the back of the collar as his fingers rested against my bleeding flesh causing a stinging sensation.

"Hey," I cooed as I looked into his eyes, "I'm okay, it only hurts a little. Why don't we just enjoy dinner, and then we can play a game of cards?" I drag my hands down his muscular stomach feeling his fingers roughly tighten around the collar. Moving my hands along the tops of his thighs until they are resting back in my lap. With a shy smile directed at him, I turned back towards the food.

I didn't feel like eating anymore. My stomach felt sick from what I just did. If I didn't know better, I would say it felt like butterflies had filled my tummy, but self-hatred was weighing down my heart.

Caine. Just think of Caine. I remind myself. He's still coming for me.

Picking up the bowl of food, Keith shifted beside me, picking up his own, but remaining oddly quiet.

We both sat there, listening to the howling wind and the thundering rain pound the roof while eating. I had a hard time swallowing around the lump now in my throat.

"So, what game did you want to play?" Keith called from the kitchen as he washed the plates.

Instead of answering, I excused myself and headed to the bathroom. After doing a wee, I stood in front of the mirror, moving the collar around as far as I could move it.

As best I could, I checked the surface. Rubbing my fingers along the surface I grew still as they scraped over a small crack. I knew it! Keith's hard grip weakened the metal.

A soft knock at the door had me straightening the collar before opening the door, a tentative smile directed at my kidnapper as our eyes met.

"Um... I just wanted to make sure you were okay?" Keith muttered shifting slightly on his feet.

"Perfect," Okay, I was overdoing it now. Clearing my throat, I gently push past him. "Keith, I'm actually a little tired. I might just head to bed."

"Oh, okay. I'll be in soon. Goodnight Olivia." His voice sounded almost sad, but I couldn't pretend anymore tonight.

I didn't want to feel pity for him. I didn't want to pretend I was falling for him, and I didn't want to think about the small sensation I felt in my stomach now when I touched him.

Pulling back the covers and sliding into bed, I adjusted the pillow until I was comfortable. Caine was my mate... IS my mate, but why was I starting to feel for Keith. Yes, it was sad that his mate died. And it's unfortunate we look alike, but he abducted me.

He staked my soulmate, knocked me out and took me from the one person who loves me. Reaching up I move the collar a little, trying to stop the pain. Tomorrow was the last day I wear this thing. One way or another it was coming off, and I was getting out of here.

The sound of the wind crashing into the cottage, and the rain hammering against the roof had me drifting off to sleep fast.

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