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The sour smelling sofa I found myself curled up on flexed as I pulled my legs in tighter, moving as far from the reach of Keith as I could go.

The half-eaten bowl of baked beans left to grow cold while I stare into the crackling fire place.

In a different time, with different company, this little cottage would have felt very welcoming. Wooden floor boards covered by a plush rug creaks slightly when stepped on. The stone fire place was large enough to cook meals in while heating the now toasty dwelling. The cottage itself wasn't too big. I square floorplan divided into four. Kitchen, washroom, bedroom and living space.

"Tomorrow will be a big day Liv, you should head off to bed before it gets too late." Keith cooed while patting my leg, pretending to not see me flinch away from his touch.

Ignoring the fact he keeps calling me Liv, I ask a question I really wanted an answer to, "Keith, was she your true mate?"

I was too slow moving from my ball like position to escape his hand. The sharp sting shook my head, the crack bouncing off the walls.

"She was perfect, unlike you." He all but growled grabbing my chin with the same hand and bringing it back to his line of sight. "All but the eyes and you could have been her twin."

I wanted to rip him limb for limb, my wolf wanted freedom, but this collar was preventing me from exacting my revenge. I need more information. I need his trust. But most of all I needed Caine.

"How did you meet her?" My morbid curiosity was getting the better of me.

"Actually, your father had traded her to our pack for a treaty deal. She was the bastard child of a pack bitch and when the women died giving birth, he had no use of a baby. But a treaty he needed. The old beta couple couldn't have pups, so she was given to them to be raised, only for them both to be killed in an attack."

I was wrapped up into the story more than I liked. Unconsciously leaning forward to hear the tale. It wasn't a surprise my father was involved somehow. That slime ball was into all sorts of corrupt stuff. I mean he sold his own daughter off...

I could feel my air ways closing in. It couldn't have been? But why else would Keith say Olivia and I look so much alike. Yes, she could have just been my doppelganger, but what are the odd of there being two off me in the one pack?

Better than you think if your dad was dipping his stick where it didn't belong.

Suddenly I needed an escape. Standing, I hurried from the room mumbling about being tired.


Sleep didn't come easy the first night in the cabin. I had lay awake for hours after Keith had climbed into the bed. My body was tense, waiting for him to try anything. I shifted over to the very edge keeping myself away from his larger frame. Loud snoring helped me stay awake for which I was glad.

At the first hint of a lightening sky, I was up and out the front door of the cabin with as little noise as I could. I had to find a way to get through the wall and into the forest. Scary creatures or not. But first I had to remove the collar.

There was going to be no way I could pick the lock. I was no James Bond. But I was a female, and I hadn't just spent the night hours day dreaming if Caine is alive and what he was doing to find me.

I mean that was a large part of what I had done but I had to be ready to help him when he arrived. Walking around the side where the wood pile is kept, I found a piece of rough bark. Taking a deep breath, I tilted my neck enough to fit the bark under the collar rubbing like mad so the rough surface was against my skin.

I worked fast, pushing through the pain until my neck was completely irritated the whole way around under the collar.

Dropping the bark behind the pile off wood, I collected some small twigs and leaves which had found their way into the bubble holding me hostage.

This was my morning routine for three days. On the third day another delivery had shown up, but this one contained just one small package. Lunch had just been cleaned away when Keith who had been strangely calm the last few days, tossed the item at me. On reflex I caught it as Keith spoke, "Go and put those in, I don't want to see you without them." His voice was stern. I had come to recognize this mood. It was his do as I say or you will feel the back of my hand.

Walking to the washroom, to the mirror about the basin I opened the packet. Brown coloured contact lenses sat in a clear sustains.

Man, he has truly lost it. I thought he was crazy before, only ever calling me by his mate's name, only letting me wear my hair down. I had tried it up on the second day in the cabin only for Keith to lose his temper more than before. The hair ties that had be stocked in the draw were all soon cut in half the whole time I had to listen to Keith shouting how Livy never tied up her hair.

With a sigh I put in the contacts, blinking to get use to the feel. Looking in the mirror, there staring back at me was the brown eyed Olivia.

With a deep breath all I hoped was for Caine to find me, fast.

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