Chapter 11

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3rd pov*

Dream knocks on Tommys door. It had been a few days since Tommy was seen out of his room. "Tommy?" he waits a second before continuing "Are you ok? You haven't eaten in days" He listened if there would be a response. There was none. "Toms?" he knocks on the door again.

Tommy was sat at the door, listening to Dream. He felt guilty for making his Idol, his big brother worried. He soon gets up and opens the door making Dream flinch a little. His kneels down to him "Hey..Are you ok?" Dream whipes his tears away a little "We should clean your is stained with so many tears.." Tommy made grabby hands to which Dream responded with a smile and picking up his baby brother, taking him to the bathroom.

Tubbo was in his room fiddling with his sleeves. He knew he messed up and he missed his best friend by a lot. Punz walked into the room. "Hey are you holding up?" Tubbo just shook his head hugging his knees tight. Punz sits next to him "Hey..everything will be ok. No matter how bad you two know it will just go away and you two will be back to playing again"
Tubbo looks up at him "Pinky promise?" Punz laughed and ruffles his hair "Pinky promise you goof!" Tubbo giggles cuddling close to punz. "Thank you for cheering me really are like a big brother to me"
Punz smiled brightly "Aawww you are like a little brother for me too!" he nuzzles his face into his head while tickling him making tubbo laugh.

It's been two days and Tubbo was at the prime path, walking around just thinking when he saw a familiar figure was walking towards him. No, running towards him. Tubbo was quick to realise that the gremlin child wanted a hug. He smiled a little as they collapsed to the ground hugging each other.
"I'm so sorry!" They both said in  sync. They look at each other and started laughing "I missed you" Tubbo confesses putting some of Tommys hairstrains out of his face. Tommy smiled brightly hugging him closer "I missed you more! Can we forget what happened and just go back to how we used to be?" Tubbo chuckles "ofcourse.."
They now sat there cuddled up on the prime path.

Dream was behind a tree and smiled softly. "Guess my plan worked" he walked to Georges grave meeting up with Sapnap there. "Hey sap.." he say down next to him. "Hey Dream.." They sat there in silnece, both staring at the grave infront of them. Dream slowly leans against Sapnap putting off his mask. Sapnap responded by leaning his head against Dream. No words were spoken. And no words needed to be spoken.

(These chapters are getting shorter and worse i'm sorry)

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