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(Ooo a title~)
3rd pov*

Day 1:
Tommy woke up yawning walking out of his room searching for dream. As he went to the kitchen he saw breakfast and a letter. Tommy walked over to the letter and picked it up reading it. 'Hello tommy, good morning. I'm sorry i can't be home today i am training for soemthing important for next week I hope you can understand. I made you breakfast tho.
Tommy sighs putting the letter down and ate his breakfast. He ate for 30 minutes, becommibg bored after 60 minutes.
He roamed around the house searching for something to do which just led him to watching tv the entire day.

Day 2:
Tommy woke up walking out of his room going into the kitchen seejng dream makinv breakfast. He smiles missing his big brother since he fell asleep yesterday while waiting for him. He walked over and helped him with cooking. Dream looked over to him and smiles softly "morning" Tommy smiles and replies with a soft quiete morning. They prepared breakfast together in a comfortable silence. Once they were done they sat down and ate together. Tommy wanted to ask him about the letter but wasn't sure if he will get an answer or enter am argument he doesn't want nor need.
Dream saw something was up and looked at him "You ok toms?" Tommy looked up at his now worried brother. He sighs and took out the not he kept "what do you mean you have to 'train for something important'?" Dream shackes his head "i don't want to worry you toms"
tommy sighed. he really wnated to know what this was about he was already very worried and dream didn't make it better, so he responded in a serious calm tone "Clay". dream looked at tommy shocked but knows he is more then serious "To-" Dream got cut off by tommy "No dream do you know how worried i am? i don't know what this is about and you not telling me makes it worse, please just tell me" Dream sighs and nods in defeat "Fine, Me and technoblade got into a fight and next week we duel until one of us is on half a heart or dead" Tommy was shocked and ran over to dream hugging him tight "Don't do it please! you can't just leave me like that! What if you get hurt?! what if you die?!" Tommy starts to tear up at the thought of loosing his big brother. Dream sighs and held him close trying his best to calm him down "It's going to be ok tommy..I promise i won't die" he kissed tommys head softly rubbinv the smaller ones back trying to calm him down. Tommy just hid his face in his chest sobbing but calming down.

Day 3:
Tommy slept in since he had nothing better to do anyways. He knew dream was out practicing with sapnap and george and he wasn't allowed outside nor to speak to anyone. He groaned once fully awaken and stumbled downstairs to the kithcen and started eating his breakfast. He figured he could sort their chest system while waiting for something to happen.

Day 3 at almost midnight:
Tommy was woken up by someone shacking him. He looked up and saw tubbo which startled him  alot. "Tubbo?" He whispered in a kinda freaked out tone since he was abit freaked out. Tubbo smiled at him calmly and hugged him laying ontop of him now "god i missed you tommy" tommy chuckled and hugged back "god and people think i'm clingy, you broke into my house at night what in the world" Tubbo smiles and cuddles him "best close friends never leave each others side! now lets get back to sleep!" he giggles. Tommy smiles and rolls his eyes cuddling him close "Dream will kill both of us and you know that" Tubbo just gave a sly nod before both friends drove off to sleep finally with each other again. (This is not a ship you fools their just really close best friends °^° how dare you)

Day 4:
Tommy woke up and saw tubbo still asleep. He chuckles quietky and went to the kitchen seeing no one there. He got his plate of breakfast and brought it to his room putting it on his night stand before waking up tubbo. Tubbo yawns looking over smiling softly at tommy. Tommy giggles "ok stop being gay and eat" tubbo laughs and sat up thanking him amd ate the food happily. They both sat in bed peacefully enjoying the time they had left before dream would come back home.

Day 5:
Friday was cleaning day in the innits household. Dream and tommy were cleaning the house. They both had different parts so they could get it done quicker. After ehat felt like years they finally finished and decided to watch a movie. Tommy wanted to watch a horror movie but dream said no knowing tommy wouldn't feel safe enough to sleep alone at night. After alot of arguring around they agreed on just watching Hamilton. Tommh got obsessed with the revolution part and would keep singing the songs that were part of the revolution.
Dream groans "I regrett showing you Hamilton"
Tommy poked his cheek "You will never be satsified!" Dream flicks his head which tommy just whined "Hey! what was that for green blob!" Dream laughs "oh it's on!" They both were fighting playfully on the couch having bonding moments today. Eventually voth got exhausted amd dream layed down and tommy just jimped on dream laying down on his chest which made dream chuckle. He put a hand on tommy and the other behind his own head and fell asleep peacefully and so did tommy.

Day 6/7:
Tommy was excited. Today wqs his last day he would be grounded for. Tommy. It was a saturday night and he couldn't wait for sunday to arrive. He was pacing up and down his room which led to dream walking in "why on earth are you awake and not in bed"
Tommy chuckles nervously "I can't sleep! i Can't wait to go outside again and have fun with tubbo again!" Dream smiles abit and leans against yhe door well mister you should go to bed then so this can end quicker. Tommy gasped at that idea "You're right! you're a genius dream!" he ran to bed and threw himwelf under the covers. dream chuckles and gave him a goodnight kiss like always and walked out whole thinking to himself 'works every time'

Day 7:
Tommy woke up and smiled brightly running to dreams room seeing him still asleep. He ran over and jumped onto the bed shacking him awake "dream! dream! dream!" Dream groans waking up to an excited tommy "Tommy what in the world it's 7 am.."
Tommy laughs "I know! it's the last day though! i can go outside soon again!" Dream smiles and attacks him with blankets getting him down next to him "Sleep tommy it's too early" he yawns. Tommy smiles and cuddled up in his brothers chest and fell asleep with him.

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