Chapter 2

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3rd pov*

Tommy and Tubbo where walking around the forest near their little village they all set up and were wondering if mobs were even spawning. It's been only 10 minutes in when Tommy starts to get impatient. "Where are the mooobs?!" he kicked a rock in annoyance. Tubbo just chuckles and puts his hands in his pockets "Patience Tommy~" Tubbo cooed at Tommy which made Tommy huff and be quiet again. After like abit they heard a zombie and some spider hissing which made Tommys eyes lit up and ran over to the noises, Tubbo following not far behind. When they arrived to the noises they just saw a horde of zombies and a few spiders and one skeleton. Tubbo was takenback by this and got out his sword trying to pull Tommy behind him but Tommy just ran over trying to fight them which made Tubbo just panick more. He ran over helping the small weakling as he got destroyed by the mobs.


Dreams pov*

It was quiet..way too quiet for my liking. I had a strong gut feeling to check on Tommy again. I have no clue why but my mind kept racing about it. I didn't want to wake him up though but the bothering headache kept coming back while my stomach just twists. 'What if he's in danger?' I thought to myself. So I got up and went to his room quietly opening the door. I didn't see him but something definently was sleeping there. Maybe he's just hiding under the blanket. I shrug and walked over to his bed and as I removed the blanket I ghasped. it was just pillows. "that little-" I mentally scolded myself for not hearing him sneak out. I wasn't paying enough attention. I panic trying to figure out where he could be while running over to Punz's and Tubbos's house knocking on the door rapidly. I heard shuffling inside and a tired Punz opened the door confused. "Is Tommy here?!" I asked too panicked to even say hello. Punz got all confused and let me inside. I ran to Tubbos room and my heart sank when I saw both weren't there. At that point Punz was fully awake and worried sick. "Where on earth could they be?! It's night time they shouldn't be outside!" Punz nodded, agreeing to my statement. I called George and Sapnap to help search for the children. 'God where are you Tommy..don't you dare leave me' I said in my mind worried and concerned at the verge of tears

back with the children
3rd pov*

Tommy and Tubbo were fighting off the mobs as they were both getting close to their last hearts. Tommy looked at Tubbo like 'we fucked up' Tubbo just gave him a panicked look back. Tomny knew Tubbo ran out of food and he only had 10 carrots left "Tubbo heal up!" he gave him the carrots quickly knowing he was lower then Tommy. He thanked Tommy quietly as he ate the carrots. As the minutes pass their shields were breaking apart. Tommy knew this was the end. He only had two hearts and was getting weaker. Tubbo was on 4 hearts standing infront of the small child. They both were in a corner as the mobs drew closer. They closed their eyes tightly as the shield broke. But nothing happened. They heard zombies, skeletons and spiders die. Tommy and Tubbo opened their eyes and ghasped seeing Dream, George, Sapnap and Punz killing off the zombies. Tommy looked at Dream. He had a sour look on his face which meant he was definetly in trouble. As they cleared the mobs Sapnap and George put up torches around the area so they would be safe and made a small wall.
punz ran over to Tubbo hugging him close scolding him for going outside, tears streaming down his face. Tubbo just hugged back crying silently glad to be safe.
Tommy saw Dream slowly walking up to him. 'Oh god i'm dead' thought Tommy was he was sitting on the ground bleeding heavily.
Tommys pov*
Dream kneeled down infront of me having a huge glare on his face. "What did i TELL YOU  ABOUT GOING OUTSIDE AT NIGHT!" he spat and yelled at me. All I could do is cry. I tried to say sorry but all that came out was whimperse of pain and blood drooling out of my mouth. Dream realized this and checked my hearts which made his eyes widden. I was on one heart with 3 hunger left. he quickly scooted me into his lap giving me a healing potion and some Golden apples. He was trying so hard not to cry and i could see that. "Dream? i-" he shushed me holding me closer and spoke up "You can't just do that to me Tommy, I need you. You have no idea how much pain you would give me if I loose you. Sure we joke alot and we don't show much affection but I care about you more then you think." he had broken down. He cried alot and I felt so much guilt. I hugged him back tightly and just whispered to him i'm sorry over and over promising him I wouldn't do it again.

3rd pov*

After abit everyone calmed down. Sap and George went back home and Punz took Tubbo home while Dream carried a sleeping Tommy home. By the time they got home Tommy had woken up again clinging onto his brother. Dream pets his head softly "You're grounded for a week" he hums which made tommy groan "fair enough..can i still get a goodnight kiss tho?.." Dream just laughs taking him to bed "sure bud" he tugs him in and gave him a goodnight kiss on the forehead softly which made Tommy smile sleeply "goodnight big brother" He said drowsing off to sleepy land. Dream chuckles quieyly "goodnight little bro" he walked out of the room and as he closed the door he said
"I love you"

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