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It was a week before the war should have started. It should have never started to begin with and both of them knew it. "I don't want you to join the battle, I promised to protect you and that is what I'm going to do. I want you to hide and wait for me to come get you. Understood?"The tiny man looked up at his husband. "You can't go! I-" He was hesitant. Should he tell the older one how he is feeling or just keep it all inside, bottle it up and just do as told? He was confused they never been in a situation like this before. As he looked away his lover sat down and gently cups his face "Thy shall not be afraid, I won't be gone for long". 

He stared at him for a second before smiling a little and hides his face in the tallers arm "I told you to stop using this weird English on me it confuses me!" he argued while letting out a small chuckle. "But it cheers you up doesn't it?" He booped the smallers nose gently to not hurt him with his claws adoring the youngers smile so much. He wished to cherish it forever. "I'll get everything prepared soon, is there anything you have on your mind before i take my leave?" the taller one said as the black haired looked up at him once again. "I just, I'm" He took a deep breath "I'm just scared, worried even. I know you'll be fine, but what if they have a trick up their sleeves and i'll loose you forever?" 

He had to chuckle at his husbands worries, he knew they would be fine he was so sure of it, but yet he also felt doubt in his powers. What if he's right and something goes wrong. He knew if he got himself hurt his husband would also get hurt. That is the last thing he would ever wish to happen. He took a deep breath and smiled, almost a smirk if you look closely "Worry not mine own dram diamond i shalt beest backeth before dawn i shall beest fine~" He said while trying not to laugh as he got yelled at "I DID NOT UNDERSTAND A SINGLE THING YOU SAID TO ME MISTER!" he crossed his arms turning away from the b o o m e r (sorry-)

He could only chuckle at the confused and anger issued boy he so deeply fell in love with he would Ḱ̸̘͎̞͝͝I̶̲͙̭̽́̈́̚L̷̖͖̻͉͋̂L̶̫̄̃̑̓  for. "I apologize my dear I'll get you some cake once this kindergarten event shall be over is that alright as an apology?" The younger huffed but smiled up at him "Yeah and a kiss!" The older one blushed. They rarely kissed he would just overheat and not function for minutes. His kissese were just too magical for his mortal ass-

"We shall- should get packing now. I will take you somewhere safe where no one can find you. Just, whatever you do never ever come back without me being at your side we do not know what is going to happen." Now the younger one wanted to throw something at him "What if you never come back!? at least message me! update me I want to know what's going to happen!" The older nods "I will try my best"

And so the two planned, packed, did some questionable life choices and before they knew it, the week was over it was the night before the war. He didn't have the heart to wake him. So he carried the small boy with the luggage to the island. He wished to just be able to stay but Dream needed him. And he knew what this was about and he wanted to help him get his brother back. It wasn't fair nor ok for Wilbur to just manipulate a child like this. He was very disappointed in the male. Anywho he concentrated back on his only reason to even be alive and got him into a makeshift bed and left a note explaining everything that needed to be said. And with one small look back at the island he went back to the mainland.

He let out a very deep breath and grabbed his knife joining the others "Lets get this over with."

(This is important for future lore ig- LIKE NEXT CHAPTER OR SOMETHING)

(ps: I hope i didn't make it too obvious who those two are i tried my best to give hints but keep it secretively- hopefully- I'M OUT I HAVEN'T SLEPT THE WHOLE NIGHT IT'S ALMOST 12 PM FUVKING PPPMMM i am so sleepdepreivrvfufdhs english gone byyeeeeee)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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