Moving on?

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3rd pov*
Dream was in his room for months now. He didn't wnat to leave his house at all nor wanting to get up and be productive. He did feel nad for having tommy to do everything but he just couldn't handle the loss he experienced. It was his fault and he knew it and that haunted him alot. He hated himself so much. If tommy wouldn't be there to try and cheer him up he would have probably already given up all hope. It was currently 10 am and tommy brought him breakfast. Dream looked over at him emotionless. Tomny frowned and put down the plate and joined him in bed and cuddles him close "Dream please, it's been months i need you. I know this is hard for you but it hurts so bad seeing you like this. I am sad loosing him too but you have to move on eventually." Dream looked over at him and sat up "move on? Tommy i CAN'T and you KNOW IT! WHAT THE ACTUALY FUDGE IS WRONV WITH YOU?!" tommy whined "Dream i can't keep doing this! i'm 12 and don't know how to do anything! you never even teached me anything! Please just get yourself together and be my big brother again! i need you.." he said with pleading eyes. Dream tears up and looked away "get out." tommy was shocked "what?" dream slapped hom across the face as hard as he could probably making hom loose 4 hearts "I SAID GET THE FUDGE OUT! I HATE YOU!" tommy starts crying silently as he left the house running into tubbo. Tubbo looked worried at the broken child as he just clung onto the older male. Tubbo took him home amd comforted him alot while tommy tried to explain what happened.

Dream was staring at the door of his room. He just hurt his little brother out of rage. He just wanted things to go back to normal and he just hurt him because of it. Dream lost his best friend and little brother. He held his hair tightly and just cried. He didn't want this to be true. It can't be true.
A week passed since incident and Tommy wa staying at tubbos and punz's house. He wanted to go home so badly. he was home sick, but he knew he couldn't. He didn't want to upset his brother even more.

Dream was currently with sapnap as their slowly moving on from what happened. "Tommy is right sap. we need to move on. we both know he would be dissapointed at us for still sorrowing at his death. It's been 5 months" Sapnap just nodded , agreeing to dreams statement. but was scared they will forget george. "Dream?" dream looks at him giving him his full attention "what if we forget him though? what if we won't remember him anymore? what if-" Dream cuts him off by a tight hug "We won't sapnap. I promise you we will never forget him. He was everything to the both of us. You don't just forget someone like that" Sapnap hugged him tightky back, satisfied with the respons as he calmed down. It will take them a while but they'll move on.
Arter afew hours dream was anxiously walking to tubbos house, knocking on the door which was opened by punz. Punz looked him dead in the eyes "What do you want?" Dream looked down "I need to talk to tommy" Punz sighed and walked away. After a minute or so tommy walked up to the door and looked at dream and looked abit frightened. Dream saw and kneeled down to his height level "Tommy, i'm so sorry for what i did I live you so much you were right I need to move on I still have a family to take care of. I didn't mean to hurt you please come back home. I miss you." Tommy hesitated for a second before hugging him tight, mumbling in his chest "I missed you too big brother" Dream tears up and smiles holding him close.
"Everything is going to be okay one day again
I promise"
Tommy smiled softly and nodded holding onto him tighter as dream picked him up taking him home. Tubno was waving goodbye from his bedroom window happy they made up again.
As they arrived at home dream had put tommy on the couch and plopped next to him. Tommy instantly crawled on the older males chest hugging him. Dream chuckles softly playing with his hair softly. He hasn't felt that much peace since ages. He never wnated this moment to end, so he cherished every bit of bonding time he could get with his little brother.

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