Chapter 5

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Georges pov*
I was at dreams house early trying to talk him out of the battle. I can't loose him. He's my best friend. I trust him with my life, what if he won't succed this one? I tried everything but he just won't give up. He's too stubborn to see it's not a good idea. Soemthing will go wrong i can feel it. My guts tell me so. Soon sapnap walked in and told us it's time to go. So we started following him.
Dreams pov*
I followed sapnap with george as the thoughts ran threw my mind. I hope tommy won't notice i'm going to the battle already. He doesn't need to know it's heppening right now. I will come home at the end of teh day like always. He won't have to worry. but he will have to pay tge prize for challenging me. He's too full of himself to even notice what will be happening soon.He will die. I grab my netherite armor and sword and sigh. George and sapnap are here by my side while i was walking down the river to meet him. They didn't really agree either for me to go but i don't care. this is the battle everyone was waiting for. Who will win. who is better. I went to a halt when i saw him. Technoblade. He was stabding there with wilbur and phil glaring at me. "Greetings." Techno said and i just grolwed at him "Cut the crap. Lets just get to it I have to be somewhere." Techno laughs and takes out his sword "Lets do it then."

3rd pov*
They fought. They fought for hours it was intense. They both were low, panting. Dream looked at george and sapnap. Techno saw him distracted and charged at him only for george to quickly run up to dream trying to push him away out of habit not wanting him to die. Dream saw george running up which alerted him and geld up his shield right before techno could swing the sword at them. Dream was holding george behins him with one arm while protecting both of them with his shield. Techno growls and kept slaying the shield until it broke. Dreams eyes widden and dodged the sword and fought back. Soon both of their armor and shields broke. Their both on a heart and dream was being babied by sapnap and george rn and tevhno was being babied by will and phil. Their about to have a tie when techno suddenly stood up again sneeking over stabbing the green hoodied one threw his chest.

Tommy was running to the hospital right now not knowing what happened but he assumed the worst. He bursts threw the doors tubbo close behind him. Dream was sitting next to the bed where george was in having tear stained cheeks. Tommy ran to him and hugged him tight crying "what happened?! Why are you bandaged and why is George in a coOMa?!" he had a small voice crack at the end. Dream picks tommy up putting him on his lap and held him close "We had the battle. i'm sorry for not telling you. But at the end we were about to have a tie. george was worrying so much over me he just clinged onto me. I almost doed twice but that's mot the point. I gave him my hoody to comfort him and techno thought it was me. So he charged at him. We don't know if he will make it and i'm scared. This is all my fault he is on his death bed tommy." Dream started crying again. Tommy shushs him softly whiping his tears away hugging him tight. Dream held him close calming down slowly again.
It's been weeks. Dream hadn't left georges side and tommy had to teavh himself how tot ake care of himself at the age of 12. He was worried for dream but didn't want to bother him. He mostly stayed at tubbos house tho since he nearly burned down the house.

Dream was holding georges hand as the tears were streaming down his face "george, please wake up. I can't loose you. please,
I love you"
George went cold as the heart monitor went flat.
Dreams eyes widden standing up quickly "NO!" he yelled crying holding goerge close not wanting him to go so soon. They still had so many memories to make. Dream babys george close in his arms rambling quietly. Dream spammed Sapnap and he ran in soon and saw the scene infront of him. He tears up and wlaked over and held george and dream close crying silently.

The funeral was silent and sad. Tommy was holding dreams hand staying close to him. Sapnap was behind dream trying to stay strong for him, comforting him. The others were behind giving dream and sapnap the time they needed. Everyone was crying and sorrowing over the loss.

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