Chapter 8

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3rd pov*
Tommy was nervouse. Today was Dreams birthday. He was awake at 3 am fiddling with his gift waiting for sapnap to knock on the door. He didn't know how to cook and sapnap offered him to help since he wanted to make him breakfast. Sapnap had to fknish his cake anyways so thought 'why not do it all together'. They were working for 2 hours to make the cake and breakfast. But they managed.
Sapnap had brought his present while the cake was baking so it was now 5:30 am. Tommy decided Dream had enough sleep and walked into dreams room. He ran to his bed and jumped on top of Dream which he woke up to instantly and was in defensive mode but quickly calmed after seeing his little brothers face.
He sighed in relief and smiles softly "Hey toms" he yawns and hugged him tight "why are you awake this early?" Tommy smiled brightly hugging back "Becaaaauuuusssee Happy birthday old man!" Dream laughed at that and ruffled his hair pulling him under the blankets "why thank you child. But i'm tired and want my sleep."
Tommy huffs and poked Dreams cheek "You're boyfriend is here tho~" he teased and Dream just rolled his eyes "He's a close friend. Not a boyfriend but whatever you say toms" he sits up making tommy sit up too being now in his lap. "Come on! lets go downstairs! Stuff is waiting for you!" Dream just awes in his mind at his little brothers excitement.
"Fine, Fine" he got up, picking up tommy in the meantime and went downstairs with him. As he reached the kitchen he just stares in shock and tommy jumped off his arms and ran next to sapnap who had a bouquet of roses in his hands and both say in union "Surprise!" Dream smiles and walked up to Sapnap and took the flowers from him gently "Thanks Sapnap" he poked his cheek giggling Sapnap giggles too and nods. Dream put the roses in a vase they had in the cabinets and looked at the food "there is no way Tommy did this" Tommy whined "I helped a lot!" he exclaimed "And it was also my idea" he added on a side note.
Dream rolls his eyes playfully and put Tommy in a chair and gave him some of the food which he happily ate. Dream gave sapnap a plate and himself one and sat down. The 3 ate in harmony and peace at 6 am.
After breakfast everyone crashed at the house saying happy birthday to Dream and having a fun time while the kids snuck upstairs to get away from them.
Tommy would wait to give him his present later on, when everything calmed down. Hopefully.
Once the children (tommy, tubbo, fundy, purpled) got to Tommys room they sighed in relief
tubbo chuckles "God they're crazy"
Fundy punched his arm playfully "and they will lead it over to us" Tomny smiled "I don't mind, looks fun"
The 3 started playing games while the adults are doing a non children free liquidation party.
Some of them didn't drink cuz they had children or other stuff to take care of but others couldn't care less and just went for it.
After 6 hours everyone calmed down, said their goodbyes and cleaned up the mess.
So now it was just dream and tommy on the couch in silence. Tommy looked up at Dream and Dream smiled softly at him "Hey, sorry for the whole party thing. You 4 probably were bored" Tommy chuckled "don't worry we had some board games and card games.
Dream pulled tommy in his lap and played with his hair. Tommy grumbles "you get a free pass today but don't think you'll get away with this tomorrow old man!" Dream shackes his head and smiles"guess i should enjoy it while i can huh?"
tommy groans but didn't move. After 10 minutes Tommy got impatient and made dream stop. "I have something for you too you know" Dream looked curiouse and confused at the same time. Tommy walked away and soon returned with two things. A letter and a box. Dream opened the letter carefully and started reading it. 'Hapy birthday big brother! I lov yu her is my present fo yu! i hop yu lik it, sory vor alwais being a pain in the arse :)' Dream chuckled at all the spelling mistakes and pets Tommys hair softly "you don't have to apologize for being a trouble maker, you're 12 that's normal in your age" Tommy nods a bit and mumbles "still.." Dream nods softly "well apology accepted" with that answer Tommy smiled which made dreams heart melt since that was adorable. He soon after opened the present and smiled brightly. It was a picture he drew of the two and a clay mask he made that looked just like the mask he was wearing now..just made out of clay. Dream hugs Tommy tight and he ofcourse returned the tight hug. "Thank you Tommy. I love it a bunch." Tommy giggled at cheered which Dream laughed to.

The days were passing in a blast when dream announced that someone new was coming to their little village. Tubbo and Tommy were excited to show them around and make a new friend. But what they didn't know at the time yet, is that this could meet up could break their entire friend ship.

 Tommy smiled at Tubbo "I am so excited! I can't wait for him to arrive!" Tubbo chuckled and nods "yeah! Maybe he's in our age too!" Tommy ghasped "Now I'm even more excited! Wanna go play in our dirt shed?? We can't just wait around for a week like that you know i'm now THAT patient!" Tubbo smiled "sure lets go buddy" Tubbo took Tommy hand and they walk to the dirt shed together enjoing their time tigether like always. 

Dream was preparing the newcomer's stay with Sapnap. "Ok Dream you still didn't tell me who that person is so just tell me!" Dream chuckled softly "His name is Karl" Sapnap nods "age?" Dream thinks for a minute before responding "17, I asked him if he wanted a home alone and he was like sure so he's getting his own Home plot" Sapnap nods "Makes sense..well everything seems setttled for now sooo lets go home, it's getting late and I really do not want to fight  mobs right now" Dream jsut responded with a hum of agreement and they walked home ina comfterble silence meeting Tommy and Tubbo on their way home.

Everything was going peaceful...too peaceful.

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