A new member

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3rd pov*

Tommy was dragging Tubbo to spawn quickly. The new guy was coming in 10 minutes and he wanted to show him around with Tubbo. Tubbo was just humming to himself letting Tommy drag him.

Dream was already at spawn and saw his little brother with tubbo and smiled "Hello you two, excited for our new member?" Tommy nods his head happily and Tubbo smiled huming a yes as an answer. Dream chuckles and nods "Well he should arrive in a few minutes so be patient" Tommy groaned but nods, He was already patient enough the whole week. After a bit of talking someone was coming looking around. Tommy ghasped and ran over "Hello! I'm Tommy! what's your name??" He looked at the child and smiled a bit "Hey, my name is Karl..do you know where Dream is?" Tommy nods "Yeah he is over there with Tubbo!" He grabbed his arm and dragged him over, which Dream scolded him for as that was disrespectful. After the little scolding Dream introduced himself to Karl and had a little talk. 

"Ok Karl Tommy and Tubbo will guide you around now, if they did anything tell me I'll handle it later then have fun!" Dream said walking away from the three. Tommy smiled "OK! Lets gooo!" Tubbo chuckled and let Tommy go first. After showing them around Tommy had to go to Dream because of family dinner. 

Tubbo smiled at Karl "SO, how do you like it here so far?" Karl smiled softly "It's great so far! everyone here is nice. Is Tommy always that hyper?" HE asked changing the topic slightly. Tubbo hums as a response "Yeah but he is a sweet kid. We both do almost everything together" Karl nods a bit "Would you consider us as friends?" He asked hesitantly which Tubbo just looked at him for a good second before chuckling "Ofcourse we're friends!" Karl smiled and walked around with him to his little plot. He asked Tubbo if he could help him build a base which Tubbo ofcourse agreed too. They were building and bonding for hours becoming close friends in a matter of a week.

Tommy had noticed how much Tubbo was spending tim with Karl but didn't think much of it. Tubbo could be friends with whoever he wanted to be. Sometimes Tommy asked if he could join them but mostly got turned down at. That hurt Tommy a little but let it go. One day Tommy asked Tubbo if he wanted to go and play in their little dirt shed, but Tubbo said no since he was doing something with Karl soon. Tommy was feeling like he was loosing one of his closest friends. 

That was a month ago. Tommy hadn't spoken to Tubbo since and Dream could tell how much this affected Tommy. He tried to cheer his little brother up but only failed. He knocked once again on Tommy door "Hey bud..you wanna join me and sapnap ona little manhunt tour?" He asked softly but got no reply and sighed "Ok..if you need anything I'm just a call away ok? I love you..". With that Dream left not hearing Tommy say a little muffled "I love you too..".

Tubbo was building his bee farm with Karl right now. He was happy with its current state. Karl soon spoke up "You wanna do something fun later? I saw Fundy leaving his preciouse axe in a normal chest earlier. We could take it and mess iwth him for a bit." He succested which Tubbo hummed softly at "sure, wanna do that now? We can take a break from building" Karl nodded happily andTubbos took his  hand which Karl blushed to softly (no ship trust me). They soon arrived at Fundys base and they searched for the axe. Soon Karl found it "I got it!" He quickly puts it in an enderchest. Tubbo watched him and looked at the door seeing an angry Furry "oh ooohhhh..." Tubbo mumbled. Fundy walked over and screamed at them which led to Karl and Fundy ardurinf and Tubbo getting an adult to handle the situation. 

Tubbo sighed and walked home. He didn't think Fundy would be that pissed at them for  stealing it. I mean Karl will return it at the end of the day..right?. After a but Fundy walked to Tubbo "Tubbo we are good friends but I want my axe back." he growled. Tubbo was a bit confused "I don't have it..Karl put it in his enderchest" Fundy sighed "He said you have it!" Tubbo flinched a bit at the sudden voice raise "Fundy please believe me I don't have it.." He said in a quiet voice. Fundy growled "I don't care who has it I want it back by Tomorrow or you both get it!" He walked off leaving Tubbo scared. He ran to Karl "What did you tell fundy!? I don't have it you have it!" He whined. Karl sighed "I panicked ok? I don't wana give it back it is sooo op!" Tubbo was a bit taken aback by that "you can't just do that and blame it on me!" Karl shrugged "That is a you problem tubbo" Tubbo couldn't believe it and just walked out. He went to Tommys house and knocked on the door. Tommy opened it and rubbed his eyes a bit "Tubbo?..what are you doing here?" Tubbo looked down a bit "I know i have ignored you for like..a month or longer but..Karl is blaming me that I stole Fundys axe and he won't give it back...please Tommy I need your help..we're best best best friend right?.." Tommy hesitated to answer for a  bit before speaking up "We barely talked becuase you found a new bbbf...and now that you are in toruble you come to me? Tubbo I thought we do everything together, why are you playing with me and me feelings.." Tommy looked away. Tubbo tears up a bit "Tommy no..we are more then close friends you know what we have could never replace Karl..I'm sorry that i hurt you so much..please Tommy we are unseperable right?.." Tommy looked up at him as tears were streaming down his face "Tubbo..I-"


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